
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Skeleton Crew (2009)

Skeleton Crew is a horror movie from Finland about a film crew making a horror movie in an old, abandoned mental hospital.

The film they're making is based on a "true" story about a doctor at the facility who himself had gone insane and had started torturing his helpless patients.

So we have a lot of shots of barefooted women strapped down to examination tables (although these first three shots are from a nightmare that one of the actresses is having).

But the twist here is that the director of the film has gone insane, just like the doctor did, and is deliberately putting his bound and gagged actresses in real danger.

So, as mentioned before, there are a lot of nice shots of BF women in bondage, such as this moment when the director of the film is having a melt down in front of the crew (and his bound, BF actress).

And these BF bondage shots are in scenes with pretty long running times, as well.

But beware, for there are several productions with the Skeleton Crew name, so be sure to look up this one, which was released in 2009.

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