
Saturday, September 18, 2021

Batman Day 2021

Happy Batman Day! It's celebrated on the third Saturday of September. I'm not sure why this particular day has been chosen for Batman Day, but any reason to celebrate the Dark Knight is a good enough reason enough for me.

These 'caps are from "Almost Got im!" An episode of the classic Batman: The Animated Series that first aired back in the 1990s. You can see this series now either on physical media (DVD, or Blu-Ray), or on HBO-Max.

Poison Ivy is seated at a card game with other members of the Batman's rogues' gallery, bragging about how she almost got The Batman (the other villains also share their "almost got im" tales).

Only when Poison Ivy takes on Batman, in a pumpkin patch on Halloween, she's clad in a sexy black number and is barefoot.

But despite almost getting him, Batman turns the tides on Ivy and gets her instead. But that's OK, because Ivy knows how to bounce back--after all, she got out of jail to able to tell this story, anyway. Happy Batman Day.

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