
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Skeleton Crew (2009)

Skeleton Crew is a horror movie from Finland about a film crew making a horror movie in an old, abandoned mental hospital.

The film they're making is based on a "true" story about a doctor at the facility who himself had gone insane and had started torturing his helpless patients.

So we have a lot of shots of barefooted women strapped down to examination tables (although these first three shots are from a nightmare that one of the actresses is having).

But the twist here is that the director of the film has gone insane, just like the doctor did, and is deliberately putting his bound and gagged actresses in real danger.

So, as mentioned before, there are a lot of nice shots of BF women in bondage, such as this moment when the director of the film is having a melt down in front of the crew (and his bound, BF actress).

And these BF bondage shots are in scenes with pretty long running times, as well.

But beware, for there are several productions with the Skeleton Crew name, so be sure to look up this one, which was released in 2009.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

At The Door

At The Door is a thriller about an estranged couple who quickly take shelter with each other--including barricading their front door--when the world is overcome with a lethal plague.

If the storyline seems a little too on the nose, thanks to recent world events, bear in mind that this film was released back in 2018, long before the real-life pandemic made it seem quaint.

At one point in the film, the woman, played by Shannon Lark, gets captured and is tied barefoot to a chair. She's also gagged with tape.

This clip, which is ten minutes long and in great quality, is done by Jakob 88, and you can see it right here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Born for Hell part 3

The longer Born for Hell runs, the more depressing it gets, as the killer just goes back to his room full of tied hostages to pick out his latest victim.

And every one of the victims gets murdered by him. There's no last minute rescue here, sadly.

One girl, still tied hand and foot and now gagged, manages too hide herself in a closet, to no avail.

Although Born for Hell is fiction, with made-up characters, it's based on a real-life serial killer case. And as in the real-life case, one woman survives by hiding herself. While the BF and bound scenes are great, the movie overall isn't very good.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Born For Hell Part 2

Once he's got everybody right where he wants them, the psycho starts speaking calmly about himself, as if he's simply at an AA meeting, dealing with his issues.

Meanwhile, his captive audience has no choice but to listen to his psycho-babble.

They're not gagged, but they are all tied hand and foot.

The psycho, growing tired of speaking before his bound audience, decides to take one of the women with him when he leaves. To this end, he unties her ankles.

She still has her wrists bound behind her.

As soon as the psycho leaves, the rest of the bound women do what you'd expect them to: they try and make their escape.

This movie has so many bound bare feet in any given shot that I'm dazed. Usually, if I get only one shot of bound bare feet in a scene, I consider myself lucky.

Standing before her captor with her hands bound behind her back makes for another nice scene--too bad it's ruined when she gets murdered by him. Still more to come.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Born For Hell Part 1

There's a movie called Born For Hell, which is also known as Naked Massacre, that was released back in 1976, making it 45 years old this year.

It's got a great scene featuring a group of women who are all tied up barefoot. The first two shots here are of the women--a group of nurses who live together--all getting up from bed in the morning.

The nurses are all dressed for bed and barefoot when the intruder comes in and ties them all up. They wait here in the dark--bound hand and foot--while the intruder has one of them answer the door in order to drive away the local drunk.

They return, bringing her (in the coat) back in the room with the other nurses. She's to join them.

He ties her hands in front of her, unlike the other hostages, who have their hands tied behind their backs.

He removes the belt from her jacket.

And uses it to bind her ankles together. More on this in part two.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


Misfits was a British TV series about a bunch of juvenile delinquents doing community service who all get struck by lightning during a storm. As a result, they develop superpowers.

In the first two episodes of the fourth season, Imogen Doel, who plays Sadie, gets abducted and is tied to a bed.

Sadie seemingly goes along with her moron captor's idea for them to have sex, and he unties her ankles and removes her pants.

But first chance she gets, Sadie gets the idiot in a tight leg-lock, nearly cutting off his breathing before he gets away from her.

This is a wonderfully directed scene, showing Sadie really going in for the kill. She's a great, feisty damsel.

I haven't seen the show, just this clip, but I've read that Sadie is bound and gagged throughout the better part of episode two in season four. If you'd like to see this scene for yourself, just click right here.

Friday, September 24, 2021


I found another pleasant surprise on the Tube of U. It's Suprise, a short Indian film about a woman returning to her hotel room. Busy speaking on the phone, she doesn't notice what's waiting for her on her bed, at first.

But she quicklys sees that another woman is on her bed, bound in an upper body spread-eagle position, and gagged.

And although her feet aren't tied, the bound woman is barefoot! She gets her gagged removed, but she spends a good portion of the film bound to the bed because her wrists are cuffed and there's no key to be found. The video playback has been turned off, so here's a link to the video.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Deep Ones

So I'm looking through Amazon Prime (US version) for something to watch when I come across a new movie called H.P. Lovecraft's The Deep Ones. And it has the above artwork, featuring a very nice pair of bare feet being menaced by nasty tentacles. This leads me to believe that, at some point in the film, a fair and barefoot maiden will encounter one of Lovecraft's fiendish monsters while hopefully bound to an altar.

But, having seen the film I can state that the answer is no. That doesn't happen. While there are some BF scenes (they're in a beach house, after all), there's no bondage whatsoever. The sacrificial victim is held down by cult members, and she's not even BF at the time. Oh well. Enjoy the above tied-barefoot-to-an-altar picture from The Crimson Cult instead. The search continues.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

She's Awake

Blair, the heroine of my latest Poser picture, finds herself in big trouble, without clothes and in ropes, when her captors have a few questions for her. You can see this picture right here.

Note: the picture I used here is from A Bell From Hell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Der fremde Gast

The other day, I posted about my latest Poser picture on Deviant Art, and I used a picture from this movie, Der fremde Gast (The Strange Guest).

The above pic was what I used. Der fremde Gast is a German TV movie where a guy goes psycho and takes two women hostage by tying them up. Both women are barefoot when bound, making this one of my favorite scenes.

I've posted this here before (as I've said, it's one of my faves), but I just wanted to give people a chance to see/get the clip again. You can see it here.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Shut In

Naomi Watts stars as a child psychologist who's dealing with a lot of weird stuff in her home during a major snowstorm.

At one point she's captured by the villain and placed in a tub filled with water, her wrists and ankles bound with rope.

The villain makes her take a sedative before gagging her mouth with duct tape.

But Mary, Watts' character, immediately pulls off the gag and starts working on a means of escape.

She grabs a bottle of shampoo (or conditioner, whatever) and uses that to "grease" her arms well enough to pull her wrists out of the ropes.

This is a great scene, but it's also very frustrating. Watts is obviously naked (and BF) while she struggles with the ropes, but other than her gagged face and bound hands, we never get a full shot of her entire bound body.

Her feet were tied. The vidcap above shows Watts bending over to untie her ankles, but because they were submerged the whole time, we never really see them. Overall, Shut In is a very enjoyable mystery/thriller, and this BF bondage scene, while not perfect, was still the icing on the cake for me. Recommended.