
Monday, August 16, 2021

Sinaloa Part Two

My favorite part of Sinaloa Tierra de Hombres is this scene, when the bad guys learn that a rescue party is coming for their hostage, Rossana San Juan, they decide to get ready.

So they bind her hands behind her back in a very nice sequence that takes its time. What makes this especially nice for me is that she's being trussed up by another woman.

She's also gagged in a nice slow, careful manner by another woman.

And it winds up being a really tight, secure gag, as well.

And they also make certain that her bonds are nice and secure, too.

Her feet aren't tied, because she's going to be led around the compound while gagged and with her hands bound. But she's still barefoot the whole time.

This winds up being one of the best "getting tied and gagged" scenes in the movies/TV.

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