
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Quiet Place Part 2

I loved A Quiet Place so much that I was actually afraid to see the sequel. It's the same worry that I have with most sequels to my favorite films: will it be as good as the original?

But I also had a second concern: would the main characters, who all went barefoot throughout the first film, also go barefoot in the sequel?

But once I saw AQP: Part 2, I realized that I had no reason to worry on both counts. The sequel is just as good as the first film. And the characters continue going barefoot through this devastated world.

Part 2 is not only a superb film in its own right, but it manages to create a nice bookend with the first AQP with its storyline.

As in the first film, there's no bondage here--but the BF scenes are plenty, with the characters walking barefoot over some rough terrain at several points. The sequel to A Quiet Place, like the original, is highly recommended.

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