
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Your Highness

I recent caught Your Highness on Netflix, and was reminded that it had some scenes of interest for us.

My favorite of the bondage scenes is Zooey Deschanel being bound and gagged at the dinner table while people have a casual conversation around her.

She even manages to work her gag off to join the conversation...before she's gagged once again.

The movie's only real BF scene is brought to us by Natalie Portman, who plays a true heroine/warrior (and who takes a proper bath every now and then)

Later, Zooey is tied down to an altar for "the fuckening," a ritual with a goofy name that's leads to no good (everybody survives in this movie)

Earlier in the film, Amber Anderson stars as a maiden who also undergoes "the fuckening."

Thankfully, she's rescued before "the fuckening" can commence.

Your Highness is a fun take on the fantasy story, but it's rated R for good reason, and is not meant for children. Veteran D&D players might enjoy it, though.

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