
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Xena Part Two

Once she's properly loose, Cally tracks down Xena and Gabby and gives them a good what for.

Cally even goes so far to bind Xena in the very same chair that she was tied to in the prison. The fiend!

But these lesbian goddesses won't be kept down for very long!

I enjoyed Xena during its original run back in the 1990s, and not just for the bondage scenes (which it had plenty of). The series was a great deal of fun, and still is in re-runs.

These scenes are from the second half of The Return Of Calisto, from the second season.

It would be nice if I knew for sure if either of these ladies were BF when they were tied, but I have no way of knowing.

But if I usually can't see the damsel's feet during a scene like this, then I just normally assume they are BF. Hey, it works for me. :)

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