
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Raiders (Part Two)

I wasn't planning on posting any more pictures from Raiders, but when I re-watched this film recently, in honor of its 40th birthday, I noticed something.

Karen Allen, who plays Marion, Indy's gutso girlfriend/sidekick (and my favorite of all of Indy's gals), pretty much goes barefoot for the entire second half of Raiders.

Pretty much from the Well of Souls scene onward, Marion is facing all of the dangers that Indy does, only she's dealing with everything sans shoes.

And she even gets tied up a second time in the film--at the climax, Marion's bound to a stake (with Indy) during the big freak fest. We never see her feet in this scene, but I'd like to think that Marion's still barefoot. Happy 40th Birthday, Raiders!

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