
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dirty Mary Crazy Larry

I first saw Dirty Mary Crazy Larry as a kid in the movie theater when it first came out.

I recall being smittened with Lynn Borden, who played the wife of a grocery store owner who gets kidnapped (along with her young daughter) in a home invasion (before the term was even coined).

Borden's part as the kidnapped wife was brief but memorable. The looks of anguish in her eyes as she lay helplessly bound on the sofa seemed genuine, and made me want to rescue her.

There was no such thing as home video back when I first saw this, and it wasn't until very recently--within the last few years--that I was finally able to see DMCL once again (after having forgotten about it). I miss a lot of things about my childhood, but not being able to watch a movie, uncut and uninteruppted, in the comfort of my own home wasn't one of them.

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