
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Star Trek: Picard

In the first season (yep, they're making a second one) of Star Trek: Picard, in the episode The Impossible Box, Soji (Isa Briones) is made to walk through a maze.

The maze is supposed to help her to remember an important event from her past. But what's interesting is Soji has to go barefoot on her little walkabout.

The result is a series of BF shots that look like they're from a Quentin Tarantino movie (hey, not that I'm complaining!).

Soji is an advanced android with ties to Mr. Data, and one wonders if there wasn't an easier way to access her memories than this little mystical magical walk.

But we got another nice BF scene, so who really cares?

Soji's barefoot goodness continues even into the next episode (Nepenthe), when she and Picard beam over to the Riker's house for some bunnicorn pizza. Hmm-hmm. Never mind the Borg, just pass me another slice!

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