
Friday, April 30, 2021

Medical Procedure

This Spanish soap shows a woman being held captive by a doctor who's going way above and beyond in caring for her.

She's clad in a hospital gown and is barefoot while restrained to her bed.

The doctor comes in every now and then to "check on his patient," as it were. And I wonder just how easy this would be to do.

I mean could a doctor really hold a patient hostage in a hospital room like this? Granted, doctors have a lot of power in hospitals. But so do nurses, and they're quick to react if they see something amiss.

But, you know, it *IS* a soap opera, and most of them don't spend too much time worrying about how realistic their storylines are. If they did, we probably wouldn't get half the scenes we already do. Speaking of which, you can see this scene right here.

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