
Friday, April 30, 2021

Medical Procedure

This Spanish soap shows a woman being held captive by a doctor who's going way above and beyond in caring for her.

She's clad in a hospital gown and is barefoot while restrained to her bed.

The doctor comes in every now and then to "check on his patient," as it were. And I wonder just how easy this would be to do.

I mean could a doctor really hold a patient hostage in a hospital room like this? Granted, doctors have a lot of power in hospitals. But so do nurses, and they're quick to react if they see something amiss.

But, you know, it *IS* a soap opera, and most of them don't spend too much time worrying about how realistic their storylines are. If they did, we probably wouldn't get half the scenes we already do. Speaking of which, you can see this scene right here.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Game Time

Kelli is excited to be with Mark at his mansion...until he gives her a strange request. Find out what happens to Kelli in my latest Poser picture, right here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Delphine Chanéac stars as Dren, a living science project, in the film Splice.

And if her feet look a little weird, that's because Dren is not completely human.

She's tied down to a table by Elsa, a scientist played by Sarah Polley, who's going to perform surgery on her.

This is obviously one of the more stranger BF bondage scenes--but the bound woman IS barefoot.

Splice is a very good movie, overall. It's a great, modern day science fiction retelling of the Frankenstein tale. Its director, Vincenzo Natali, also helmed the first Cube.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

83 Hours Til Dawn

Shannon Wilcox and Samantha Mathis are bound and gagged in their hotel room within the first ten minutes of 83 Hours Til Dawn.

Samantha plays Shannon's daughter, and she's the real target of these mad binders.

Shannon is left bound and gagged by herself. We even seen her bare feet getting tied together with rope.

Samantha is taken so she can be buried alive until her family can pay the ransom (but mom's right there in the room; why not hit her up for the bucks?).

Once the kidnappers make off with her daughter, Shannon tried to make a call while still trussed up and gagged.

The entire movie's up on YouTube. The scene of interest occurs within the first ten minutes of the movie's running time.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Shadow and Bone

I've been anxiously awaiting more of The Witcher (which recently finished filming its second season), when I see this new fantasy series, Shadow And Bone, has dropped on Netflix. Giving this a shot, I initially think it'll be just another badly done fantasy series with overly beautiful people in its cast (something which Netflix has in abundance).

But I wound up enjoying Shadow and Bone so much that I binged the whole season in two days. Intelligently written, well acted and paying careful attention to its complex world building, Shadow and Bone is vastly entertaining and gripping right to the end. And while there's no BF scenes, there's plenty of bondage on display (you prevent a witch from casting spells by binding her hands). Something for everybody. Highly recommended.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


Meilani Paul stars in this episode (Counterfeit, Part 1) of the old Highlander series where she's freed from a prison van, where she's being transported with her wrists cuffed above her head.

But the guys who rescue her then cuff Meilani down to a cot, where a doctor examines her.

She is a contender to be surgically transformed into another woman, and once she gets this plastic surgery, the bad guys hope she can close to the lead character and kill him.

But never mind all that. There's a wonderful shot of her cuffed bare feet as the doctor walks around the cot that she's secured to. Very nice. You can see the clip right here.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Anna Interuppted

Anna the Crusading Reporter is sent to cover what looks like a pretty boring high society party. Until she sees what looks like none other than Doctor Macabre, her old enemy, mingling with the guests. Anna tries to get tot he bottom of things, only to have things go terribly wrong. Find out what happened in my latest Poser picture right here.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Aja is back

There's a new French science fiction movie called Oxygen that will be released on Netflix in May. It's directed by Alexandre Aja, who's given us some nice BF scenes in his prior movies, like High Tension and Crawl.

There's no sign of bondage (at least not in the trailer), but the promise of the lead actress being barefoot the entire time looks pretty good (she wakes up in a cryo-chamber with her air running out).

I'll give this new movie a shot and report back with a review. I always try to support BF friendly filmmakers like Aja and Quentin Tarantino, in the hopes of encouraging them to keep making more films with BF scenes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Midnight is a film about a satanic cult that kidnaps women. One of them is wearing a blue dress and is barefoot in her backyard.

When she goes to catch a frisbee, she encounters members of the satanic cult (don't you hate it when that happens?).

The scene that follows is pretty extensive.

She gets tied up and gagged on camera. Her wrists are handcuffed. The soles of her feet seem to always be pointed in the direction of the camera.

Midnight is a low budget horror film made by some of the crew that worked with George Romero (Night of the Living Dead) on his films.

It was released on DVD--which was where I got these screen caps from for my original Knotbusters site way back when.

I haven't seen this movie since I 'capped it for the site. I should track it down again.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I'd Buy That For A Dollar!

They say sex sells, and that's never truer than in this TV ad for a real estate agent in Australia.

It's the classic damsel in distress set up, with a lovely woman left tied to a chair in a house. She's able to call for help on a phone.

What I love about this is that not only is she clad only in a bra and panties (can't see her feet, though...darn it), but that she's so wonderfully sweaty! Her bare skin is glistening!

I first saw this a few years ago on YouTube, and it's still up there! Enjoy.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Opera Part Four

Just a few more detail pictures from Opera in this post, and we're done.

I realize there are more bondage scenes with this lovely woman in Opera, but I wanted to focus on the barefoot bondage scenes (although there are a few non-BF bondage scene that I enjoy).

Staring with these Opera posts, I'm beginning a new series of multi-posts featuring my favorite BF bondage scenes with more detailed pictures.

Here are a few BF non-bondage scenes from Opera.

Is this where Quentin got his inspiration for the BF tracking shots in his films?

And some evidence that Betty wasn't the only one who went BF in Opera.

And, finally, it's nice to see that Betty's maid liked working BF. Too bad she's no longer working for Betty, but at least she's been ruled out as being the killer....

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Various & Sundry

It's time for another Various & Sundry post. I don't know who the two women are in the picture above. And does it really matter?

Singer Joss Stone proves she goes barefoot even off stage in a reflective moment aboard a boat.

And here's Kate Hudson during a REALLY pensive looking moment. Maybe she just got the bill for her hotel room?

Keira Knightly is seen here seated the wrong way in a chair. But, as far as I'm concerned, Miss Knightly can do whatever she wishes.

Like so. Here's a more casual Keira. Casual or formal, she always looks great.

Evangeline Lilly heading to (or from?) the beach.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Opera Part Three

Cristina Marsillach, as Betty the Opera singer, get placed into position by the mysterious killer.

He starts tying her to a support column in the bedroom. Bear in mind that she already has her hands bound behind her back and is gagged.

As I mentioned before, the editing in this scene is so on point, showing us all the deatils of her getting bound without slowing down the pacing of the scene.

Some of these shots were done with a double (and they still work), but Cristina Marsillach is very clearly seen bound and gagged, as well.

And here above is my favorite shot of this sequence (of course).

And then we come to the whole point of this bizarre scene. Because the killer doesn't want to harm Betty. No, he wants her to watch.

Almost thirty five years old, and Opera still has one of my all-time favorite BF scenes that still holds up.