
Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Did you know there was a Blade TV series? I didn't, until I saw Jill Wagner being kept chained up BF on a bed one night while channel surfing.

The name of the episode is Angels And Demons. I forget why she's chained to the bed like this. But...really, do we need a storyline when we have these wonderful images?

But Jill abruptly gets free of her manacles. I believe she freed herself--as I said, I don't recall the storyline. It's been a while since I've seen this episode. These 'caps were originally from my old web site.

Granted, it's not much of a bondage scene, but the BF aspects are enough for me to like it.

I mean, she's still chained up barefoot, after all.

But then, after she's freed, Jill takes this nice little walk right past the camera, which is at floor level.

Very nice.

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