
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Babylon 5

The entire series of Babylon 5 is now on HBO Max, and if you haven't seen this series, you should. It's a very well-done and enjoyable and gripping SF series. And, it also has some scenes of interest for BF fans. As in the first season episode Soul Hunter, where Delenn is captured by an alien who literally wants to suck out her soul.

It turns out Delenn was barefoot when she was abducted (she was taken while relaxing in her quarters), as we see in a brief shot of her bound foot.

In Born To The Purple (also first season) Commander Sinclair and G'Kar find Londo in a strip club, where apparently all the female performers dance BF. Um, where is this place located, again?

Londo's girlfriend also dances there, and she performs sans shoes as well.

In The Quality of Mercy (also season one) Londo takes the wide-eyed Lennier to a strip club, where the dancers also perform barefoot--as well as without clothing.

There's a lot of BF scenes in this show--more so than on most other SF series. If I find further BF scenes in my re-watch of B5 on HBO Max, I will post them here.

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