
Monday, January 11, 2021

Jake Speed

Jake Speed was a halfway decent action/comedy that was released in the mid-1980s. The best thing about it was that John Hurt played the villain, and did such a good job at chewing the scenery that he was fun to watch.

But something else that was fun to watch, at least for me, was this scene of two kimono-clad and barefoot beauties who were left tied to cots.

One of the girls gets picked up--literally--by a henchman and is carried off, leaving the other still tied to her cot.

Both girls are eventually rescued by Jake Speed.

Although this was a brief scene, I liked it because of their bare feet--as well as their kimonos, which is a scant outfit you don't see too often on ladies in films and TV shows, at least not the ones that I watch.

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