
Monday, January 25, 2021

Godzilla Vs Space Godzilla

In Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla (1994), resident psychic Miki Saegusa (Megumi Odaka) gets kidanpped by Japanese gangsters. She's abducted straight from her bed, barefoot and still in her PJs.

Of course, while this is happening, both Space Godzilla and the REAL Godzilla are out there, stomping around.

But does the possible end of the world stop these gangsters from being gangsters? Oh, hell no! They're gangsters, after all.

Thankfully Mikki is rescued, and she even helps out her rescuers. When one of the bad guys uses her bed as a shield--with Mikki still tied to it--she raises it with her psychic powers high enough for one of her rescuers to shoot him.

Mikki is freed so she can rejoin the fight against big lizards! Here's hoping that the upcoming Godzilla Vs Kong has a few good scenes like these, and I'm not talking about anything with the monsters!

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