
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

I'm doing a re-watch of the Mad Max films, and I was bemoaning the fact that there's very little bondage in this series...until I came to this scene in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.

Helen Buday stars here as Savannah Nix, the teenage leader of a group of children who want to leave their little spot in paradise to find civilization--but Max, knowing better about what's out there, stops them the only way he knows how, by tying them all up.

Although she's not barefoot, the bondage on Savannah is very nice and tight, pulling her legs up against her chest, and is complete with a stick as a gag.

When you consider that a good portion of the female cast went barefoot in Mad Max: Fury Road (which is a far better film overall), but were never tied, it's frustrating to see the only bondage scene in this series had no BF bondage. Maybe the next movie, which is supposed to be a Furiosa prequel starring Anna Taylor-Joy, might have something.

Friday, January 29, 2021


Noomi Rapace (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) stars as Dr. Elizabeth Shaw in Prometheus, the first prequel film to the Alien series. Prometheus is special because it was a return to the Alien universe by Ridley Scott, who directed the original Alien film way back in 1979.

One of my favorite moments in the film is when Elizabeth is at "home" in her private suite aboard the Prometheus, relaxing while barefoot and clad in what looks like a very comfortable outfit.

When her boyfriend arrives, Elizabeth unfolds her legs in a very nice manner that displays her bare feet.

The second good BF moment with Elizabeth is when she finds herself on an examination table, at the mercy of the ship's android, David.

This would have been a good moment to have Elizabeth tied, or strapped down with medical restraints. But alas, she was not.

These are still nice scenes, though. And it's a visually stunning and epic science fiction flick that grabs your attention.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Taking Her Shift

In my latest Poser picture, Clara is getting ready for work until she's surprised by her twin sister. Anf then Clara gets a further surprise. To find out what that is, simply go right here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Caught by BOP

In the Birds of Prey comic book, the ladies capture Cheshire, one of their arch-enemies. Cheshire is hauled dripping wet from a pool while wearing nothing but her PJs.

Cheshire is later tied to a chair and is interrogated by the heroes. But, as even they can see, Cheshire doesn't seem too impressed with her captivity.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

South Beach Academy

Elizabeth Kaitan finds herself a bound captive of James Hong (a great veteran character actor with a career spanning decades who did much better flicks than this) in South Beach Academy, from 1996.

The clip is from M Johns, and it shows Liz being kidnapped from the beach while barefoot and clad only in a tank top and bikini bottoms.

Fortunately, she's wearing this outfit while tied down to the bed. Unfortunately, her feet are not bound.

But she at least is able to kick Hong a nice kick upside his head. You can see this clip right here.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Godzilla Vs Space Godzilla

In Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla (1994), resident psychic Miki Saegusa (Megumi Odaka) gets kidanpped by Japanese gangsters. She's abducted straight from her bed, barefoot and still in her PJs.

Of course, while this is happening, both Space Godzilla and the REAL Godzilla are out there, stomping around.

But does the possible end of the world stop these gangsters from being gangsters? Oh, hell no! They're gangsters, after all.

Thankfully Mikki is rescued, and she even helps out her rescuers. When one of the bad guys uses her bed as a shield--with Mikki still tied to it--she raises it with her psychic powers high enough for one of her rescuers to shoot him.

Mikki is freed so she can rejoin the fight against big lizards! Here's hoping that the upcoming Godzilla Vs Kong has a few good scenes like these, and I'm not talking about anything with the monsters!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The (barefoot) Voice

On an episode of The Voice, a nice young Aussie woman decides to try out some singing.

She usually goes surfing on the great beaches Down Under.

And these beaches look mighty inviting.

But she leaves these beaches to not just perform on The Voice, but to sing opera (and she's very good, too).

Did I mention that she likes to go barefoot, and even goes BF while singing on The Voice? You can see the clip below:

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Uninvited

The Uninvited was a remake of a much better horror film from South Korea.

The Hollywood remake was a typical, bloodless affair that managed to suck all of the tension and vitality out of the original film's storyline.

However, the American verion of The Uninvited took place at a lake house, which meant that its female cast went barefoot for the better part of the film.

So these BF scenes certainly made the movie more bearable for me.

Having grew up on a lake, the remake also brought back some fond memories for me (although my house and lake weren't exactly the same setting seen here).

Being right on the water as we were, we went barefoot a great deal back then. Good times.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Let's try it

Angie, the heroine of my latest Poser comic page, has a run of extremely bad luck that starts when she gets washed up on a tropical island clad only in her bikini bottoms. And then it gets worse. How much worse? Find out right here.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


One of the best scenes in the last few years is from a German science fiction film called Hell.

It's an apocalyptic tale about people struggling to survive on an Earth that is slowly and steadily burning up (it was also the plot of The Midnight Sun, an episode from the classic Twilight Zone).

The lead character, Marie, (well-played by Hannah Herzsprung) and her friends are taken captive by a family of farmers who have converted their slaughterhouse for huamns.

Marie's bondage scene, from the moment she wakes up to find herself bound and gagged, to freeing herself, is simply exquisite in its execution.

Having been made a memeber of the family, Marie rejects them because of their little canabalism problem. Therefore, she's knocked out, stripped of her clothing and trussed up in the slaughterhouse--in effect, since she wouldn't join them, she would become their meal.

It's a terrifying take on the slasher/horror genre, because, thanks to the apocalyptic situation the characters are in, there's no help coming for them.

And it's a very tensely shot BF bondage scene that pays attention to all of the details.

The bondage scene is fantastic, but Hell, the movie is really worth your time, overall.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wonda Woman

I had always assumed that, in the pilot for the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman series, that all the women on Paradise Island went barefoot.

I first saw this pilot back when I was a kid, when it first aired, and back then, we had no way of rewinding (or even recording) stuff on TV.

But when I re-watched the WW pilot recently, I saw that I was wrong. Diana was barefoot when she found Steve Trevor on the beach. And she was still BF when she reported to her mother. However, the rest of the Amazons wore shoes.

Oh well, at least we have some BF pictures of Diana.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Secret Agent 777

In the spy movie Secret Agent 777, Mary Young gets knocked out and her shoes and stockings removed.

The nasty guy who knocked her out uses Young's own stockings to bind her wrists and ankles with.

Pretty ingenious, and Young is now bound barefoot to boot.

When she wakes up, Young puts on a great show of struggling as she tries to get herself over to the phone.

She's rescued from her bound situation. You can see the clip of this scene right here.