
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dead In 3 Days

Sabrina Reiter stars in Dead In 3 Days (In 3 Tagen bist du tot), an Austrian slasher/horror film, as Nina. 

Unable to sleep, Nina gets up to check on the cat. 

But Nina should have been checking on herself, because this is when she gets abducted. 

When she awakens from the chloroform, she finds herself  bound and gagged--and still barefoot and clad in her underwear--in the trunk of a car, being driven to God knows where. 

Dead In 3 Days is a frustrating movie for me. It's a perfect BF bondage film that would have been perfect for me to highlight on my old site. But the movie didn't come out on video in the States until 2009, two years after I had retired that site. 

But, I now have this blog, so here's Dead In 3 Days. If you're into BF bondage, you should definitely be checking this one out. 


In addition to having a great BF bondage scene, the film itself is very good. It's worth your time to watch the entire thing, as it basically plays out like an absorbing mystery, with the killer's identity being hidden until the very end. 

The killer has a nasty way of killing his victims. He captures them, ties them up, and then throws them into a very deep lake, weighted down, so they suffer a horrible death by drowning. 

Thankfully, Nina survives her encounter with the killer--only to face further danger as she tries to find out who the killer is and what's behind this killing spree. It's a great, exciting movie to watch all year around, not just on Halloween.    

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