
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Space: 1999 is forty five!

Yesterday, September 4, was the forty fifth anniversary of the premiere of Space: 1999. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until today. But better a day late than a dollar short...or something like that.

Space: 1999 produced a great BF bondage scene in its first season show The Full Circle (ep 15). 

The plot is a little convoluted (as most of the plots on this series were) but at one point Maya (played by Zienia Merton) gets abducted by a tribe of cave people and is tied up.

The fact that Maya was barefoot and clad in a skimpy cave girl outfit made this scene all the better.

She's rescued, of course, but not before being trussed to a sacrificial altar. Happy 45 years, Space: 1999, and thanks for the memories, including THIS wonderful scene, which you can see right here.

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