
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Circuitry Man

Dana Wheeler-Nicholson stars in Circuitry Man. This was a low-budget science fiction flick that was released in 1990. 

At one point in the film, Dana's character finds herself trussed in a spread-eagle position to a bed, with the bad guys leering over her like a pack of business executives during a convention weekend.

But who really cares? Because she's barefoot while she's trussed up. And that's all that really matters. 

Being the hero of this flick, Dana makes her escape. And she teaches these evil bastards the true meaning of Christmas, darn it!

Actually I don't remember what she does after she escapes--it's been quite some time since I've seen this movie. But it has a BF bondage scene, so it's worth tracking down. And a very Happy September to you!

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