
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Ghost Galleon

Barbara Rey stars in The Ghost Galleon as a professional model who gets captured by modern day (at least modern for the 1970s) pirates.

She gets tied up on a bed in just a bikini, where one of the pirates unties her hands so she can eat the food that he brought her.

But when Barbara complains about the food, the pirate grudgingly leaves her to get something that she required--leaving her alone untied.

Babs, who's no fool, promptly swings her bare feet over the side of the bed, where she starts getting dressed.

The Ghost Galleon is the third in a series of four horror films from director Amando de Ossorio known as The Blind Dead. And if Babs thinks she had it rough with the pirates, just wait until she meets the undead Knights Templar!

While this scene is barefoot bondage, it's very frustrating because we barely see anything. Seemingly only her hands are tied, and because she's under a blanket it's hard to tell if her feet were tied. This was the only bondage scene in the film. There's another BF scene in one of the other Blind Dead films, I'll post that soon.

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