
Friday, July 31, 2020

Thankful for a locked door

A captured damsel is grateful for a locked door that just won't open in my latest Poser picture. If you look closely, you can see what her captor is doing wrong right here.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tombs of the Blind Dead

In the first Blind Dead movie, Tombs of the Blind Dead, released in 1971, a young barefoot woman is brought to the castle of the Knights Templar.

She's brought inside to a large banquet hall, but she's not to join the party. Instead she's the main event.

Two of the Templars (in their pre-dead state) bind her to an X-shaped rack.

It's only when she is secured to the rack that her clothes are removed, revealing underwear that covers as much as her outer clothes did.

Unfortunately, she does not survive her sacrificial ritual, where the knights ride around her, slicing at her with their swords--it's stuff like this that's probably why they became the undead in the first place. "Do you want to become the undead? Because that's how you become the undead!"

According to the IMDB, the maiden is played by Carmen Yazalde, who previously went unaccredited. Nice job, Carmen!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Ghost Galleon

Barbara Rey stars in The Ghost Galleon as a professional model who gets captured by modern day (at least modern for the 1970s) pirates.

She gets tied up on a bed in just a bikini, where one of the pirates unties her hands so she can eat the food that he brought her.

But when Barbara complains about the food, the pirate grudgingly leaves her to get something that she required--leaving her alone untied.

Babs, who's no fool, promptly swings her bare feet over the side of the bed, where she starts getting dressed.

The Ghost Galleon is the third in a series of four horror films from director Amando de Ossorio known as The Blind Dead. And if Babs thinks she had it rough with the pirates, just wait until she meets the undead Knights Templar!

While this scene is barefoot bondage, it's very frustrating because we barely see anything. Seemingly only her hands are tied, and because she's under a blanket it's hard to tell if her feet were tied. This was the only bondage scene in the film. There's another BF scene in one of the other Blind Dead films, I'll post that soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Sarah Hay and Imogen Waterhouse star in Braid, an offbeat looking movie where they get captured by the woman whom they were tying to con money out of.

After stripping them of their clothes, she ties them back to back (and barefoot) in her bedroom. And gags them braids? Interesting choice.

I haven't seen the whole movie, but I want to, thanks to these interesting scenes, which suggest that the movie as a whole might be enjoyably weird and off-kilter.

There's several other bondage scenes scattered throughout the film, but this is the only one where the ladies are barefoot.

It looks like a very surreal movie. You can see the clip right here.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Miami Vice

Director Michael Mann remade his old Miami Vice TV series into a feature with Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx in the leads, and it was very good.

At one point in the film, Tubbs' girlfriend, played by Naomie Harris, is kidnapped by the bad guys.

The bad guys keep her bound to a chair, barefoot and blindfolded.

Naomie Harris shot this in 2006 (probably actually shot it in 2005). She would also star in a couple of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, along with several of the James Bond films starring Daniel Craig, starting with Skyfall.

I really enjoyed this take on Miami Vice; aside from the BF bondage scene, the film overall is superbly done.

I was hoping for a sequel, but--sadly--this was a dud at the box office.

I enjoyed the TV series, but this movie brought a level of much-needed gritiness that I thought the show lacked. At least Mann got to make this version.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Dead Don't Die

The Dead Don't Die tries to be a comedic take on the zombie movie. But it's directed by Jim Jarmusch, who's known for this more sophisticated, deep-dive films that often deal with some very existential themes (while still being funny).

But, just when I thought I was ready for Jarmusch's take on the zombie movie, I wasn't really ready for just how bad The Dead Don't Die really is. I was surprised at how slow and boring the film was, with its cast of great actors just wandering around, numbly reciting their lines as if they were sleepwalking.

Maybe Jarmusch was trying to say that these people were already zombies, even before they become the undead? Who knows? And, at this point, who cares? In addition to being dreadfully dull, The Dead Don't Die was made by someone who clearly regards science fiction/horror/fantasy as being infantile and not really worth any deep thought, anyway.

But, as you can tell by the pictures here, I've managed to find something worthwhile. Both Tilda Swinton and Selena Gomez have some very brief BF scenes. If you're still looking for a good zombie comedy, check out Zombieland and its sequel.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Why are they here?

My snoop, Belle, finds herself a bound and gagged captive of a group of people who are unknown to her. She wasn't even snooping--Belle was simply enjoying a quiet day at home when they barged in on her. See the excitement in my latest Poser picture right here.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Now that's a trailer!

I found this in my files, and what a find this turned out to be! It's the trailer for a thriller novel that was published in Italy. I vaugely recall downloading this back in the day, but forgot I had it until I just recently rediscovered it again.

From the look of things, this book might well be well worth it for me to track down. Assuming the scene from the trailer is in the book, of course.

Makes me wonder if I can get a trailer like this made for the next Ryta the Jungle Girl book. But I'm just grateful I can make my own book covers. You can see this ad right here.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Camera

I've posted this on here before, but I love this short film so much, and I'm pleased to see that it's still up after all these years.

The Camera involves a young woman on an interesting walk at the beach where she finds a very special camera. No bondage, but she's barefoot throughout. This is also the perfect time of year to be watching this summery, beach-set film as well.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The New World

The New World was directed by Terrence Malick. It dealt with the first arrival of European settlers on the North American continent.

It also dealt with the clash of cultures between the settlers and the indigenous people.

Q'orianka Kilcher played Pocahontas.

And she went barefoot a great deal in the film.

To say that Q'orianka Kilcher was perfectly cast as Pocahontas is putting it mildly. She's fantastic in the role.

The New World is recommended for more than just its BF scenes, though.

It's a very well-done movie that examines the culture shock that both sides receive from their first meeting--which is depicted just like a first contact situation from science fiction, which it really is: a first contact between the old and new worlds.

It's one of Terrence Malick's best films, IMHO.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Border

Grace Park, who played Boomer on Battlestar Galactica, and would later appear in the Hawaii 5-0 remake, appeared in a Canadian series called The Border.

In the eight episode of the third (and final) season, she helped track down a kidnapped woman who was abducted and left tied up in a desolate area.

The actress who plays the tied woman is Lara Jean Chorostecki, and she's barefoot throughout this scene. You can see it here.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Helpless Black Widow...or is she?

This scene, from the first Avengers movie (can you believe that it's been eight years already?) has become iconic for me in how it's the perfect introduction of the character of Black Widow.

She already had her introduction in the dreadfully dull Iron Man 2, in which she had a kick-ass scene where she took down armed goons in a hallway.

But her very first scene in Avengers is better, and not because it presents her as being a damsel in distress--no, this scene shows Black Widow to be both devious and intelligent by pretending to be a damsel in distress.

It's only when she gets the call about Hawkeye that Nat decides to cut short this session with her 'captors,' whom she pretended to be helpless only for as long as she was getting information from them.

Of course the fact that Black Widow has her shoes removed throughout this scene was a big plus for me.

Scarlett Johansson was superb as BW, but I'm actually looking forward to the release of her stand-alone movie with mixed feelings. Let's just say that I really didn't care for what happened in Avengers: Endgame. But at least with the Black Widow movie we'll see her back at the top of her game once again.