
Saturday, May 2, 2020


Turistas was a neat little thriller that was released back in 2006 (wow, where does the time go?).

It deals with tourists in Brazil who are abducted and sold for their organs on the black market.

Olga Diegues stars as one half of a Swedish couple who are captured by the organ thieves.

She (and her boyfriend) is carried hanging from a bamboo pole, her hands and bare feet bound. All with a nice tight gag in her mouth.

There are more bondage scenes with the main cast--the stars--but this is my favorite scene.

One, she's barefoot, and the other reason is that they actually transport her hanging from a pole, as if this was some old-fashioned jungle adventure.

Come to think of it, Turistas is an old-fashioned jungle adventure. It's not bad overall; there are also plenty of BF scenes, as well. Catch it if you can.


  1. Wow, quite a is indeed amazing to see a pole carry scene these days, such a dehumanizing way to be 'transported' which fits the movie very well, based on the descriptions I read

  2. The 'pole carry' is one of my favorites, and is not used often enough in movie/TV. It might be because it's not very comfortable for the actors.


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