
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blade Runner 2049

In these strange times when we're all self-isolating ourselves in our homes, I can't stop thinking about Dr. Ana Stelline, the character played by actress Carla Juri in Blade Runner: 2049.

Suffering from a weakened immune system, Stelline is forced to spend her days in permanent isolation, where she creates memories for replicants (the android slave race that serves humsns in the Blade Runner universe). A nice plus of this job is that Stelline can work in her bare feet.

I also believe I've been thinking a lot about Blade Runner 2049 because it might be time for a re-watch of this masterpiece (it's one of my favorite films).

Stelline provides some nice BF moments in the film.

But if you're looking for a good movie to watch during your own self-isolation, then may I suggest Blade Runner 2049? It's a great film overall. This, along with the original Blade Runner, would make for a very nice double feature.

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