
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

War in Space

In the "classic" movie War In Space, Yûko Asano plays an Earthling spacegirl who gets captured by the bad guys (one of whom looks like Chewbacca with horns).

Our perky astronaut gets stripped of her clothing and is made to go barefoot while clad only in this scant black leather number. Oh, those cheeky space pirates!

But can you really blame these space pirates? *swoon*

She spends a large chunk of the movie barefoot with her hands tied behind her back. She also gets paraded around a lot. These space pirates are weird.

She gets rescued from a jail cell.

However, just getting out of the bad guy palace takes some time, and even while being rescued, Miss Asano goes barefoot all along.

One little interesting bit of trivia: War In Space was produced by Toho Studios, who also made the Godzilla film series.

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