
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover

I finally watched the latest CW Superhero Crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths. I say 'finally' because I had to wait a month between the first three episode and the final two, which I wasn't too crazy about. But, overall, I enjoyed this one a lot. Here are the highlights:

One of the best moments for me was seeing the meeting of the Flashes. Grant Gustin's TV Flash met Ezra Miller's Cinematic Flash, and it was completely unexpected--it caught me completely off guard--and I loved it. I'm hoping we'll still see a Flash movie with Miller in the lead.

I also loved the cameo from Marv Wolfman, who wrote the original Crisis comics series back in the 1980s. Marv also co-wrote one of the episodes of the Crisis crossover.

Another thing I really liked was how Crisis deepened the friendship between Batwoman and Supergirl. There was even a scene where Kate was hanging out in Kara's apartment! I hope we see more team ups with these two in the future. And Ruby/Kate looks great in the Bat costume sans the cowl, BTW.

And, speaking of Batwoman, I'm also happy to hear that it has been renewed for a second season! More Kate! More Batwoman! Yay!

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