
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Terminator 2

Terminator: Dark Fate opened this past weekend, and the movie wound up suffering a Dark Fate of its own: it bombed at the box office.

I haven't seen TDF yet--but I still want to, and will hold off on my own opinion regarding this flick until I see it. But all of the media hype over TDF got me thinking about T2 (a.k.a. the last really great Terminator film).

Linda Hamilton, who plays the indomitable Sarah Connor, gets tied down to a bed via medical bondage in a psychiatric hospital.

Of course, she escapes; she has to find her boy John and keep him safe from those pesky Terminators.

What's interesting is that Hamilton goes barefoot for a lengthy amount of time within T2, even after she leaves the psych hospital. A nice touch.

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