
Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Heroine Sans Shoes

I came across this video during my travels on the Tube of U. It's a scene from a science fiction movie where the lead female character goes barefoot throughout (or at least in this extended scene).

I don't know what the film is (and neither does the guy who posted this), so if anybody recognizes this film, you can leave a comment here with regards to its name.


  1. It's from a short film called Man vs Woman. I was the one who edited it and made this video some years ago. But I don't know the person who uploaded it again.

  2. I just had to find the whole thing, here it is:

    It is actually a pretty fun & clever short film it turns out. She is indeed barefoot the whole time with quite a bit of focus on her feet which is fantastic, and I love the odd anklet/cuff she wears which perhaps hints at backstory but simply fits her wasteland look perfectly. And I appreciated that her being barefoot was an important part of the story gave her character a motivation for the showdown as well.


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