
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Beautiful Creatures

I always loved the movie Beautiful Creatures, the movie that came out in 2000, not the 2013 film with the same name.

The REAL Beautiful Creatures starred the divine Rachel Weisz (who gets chained up in these screen captures) and Susan Lynch as a pair of women who get in way over their heads with the mob.

This scene, taken in context with the rest of the film, is hysterically funny. The whole movie has this sweet, oddly whimsical tone, despite the dangers the girls face. Unfortunately, she's not barefoot here, but I still like this scene nevertheless.

Hell, I love this movie a great deal. It's almost twenty years old and it still holds up very nicely. If you're looking for a good crime thriller that's extremely offbeat (and funny), then give Beautiful Creatures a shot.

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