
Friday, March 29, 2019

Tying up the Exorcist

The airwaves (at least the cable networks) were flooded with these ghost shows in the last ten years. This is from one of them.

A psychic helping to rid a house of a demon will summon it into her body (um, OK..,whatever), but before she can do this, she must be tied to a chair, just in case the demon causes her to be violent (how is this helping matters, exactly?).

For the record, I don't believe in this stuff, despite having written a spooky book. I enjoy reading horror books and watching horror films, but I don't believe that this stuff exists in the real world.

But I still enjoy these goofy ghost shows, especially when the female ghost hunters are bound barefoot. I originally clipped this, BTW, back when I dabbled in making my own clips.

You can download this clip right here.

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