
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mission Impossible: Fallout

Who knew that, in all the running around that they do in the latest Mission Impossible film, that there would be time to tie up the lead actress?

And yet there she is, Rebecca Fergeson, tied to a chair by the villain (Sean Harris) at the climax of MI: Fallout.

It would have been nice if she had been BF, but I'm not complaining. It's still a nice scene.

What's really cool about this scene is that, even though she's supposedly 'helpless,' Fergeson's character still struggles to get free in time to rescue Simon Pegg's Benji, who's fighting for his life against the baddie.

Even tied to a chair, Fergeson remains a badass. I love it.

MI: Fallout is a fun movie, overall. It's a hard-charging action film that's a satisfying popcorn flick.

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