
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Uncharted fan film

In the days of yore, fan films were cheap little productions made by amateurs who loved the cinematic (or TV) universes their stories took place in. These days a fan film can star big name actors and look as slick as a big-budget Hollywood production. That's what you have here, a fan film starring Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video games.

I've never played Uncharted, but it's a lot like an Indiana Jones adventure that's set in the modern day era. I've always liked Nathan Fillion, back when he was Mal on Firefly/Serenity, and he brings that same wise-cracking toughness here. It's not bad, but it's not as breath-taking and gripping as Croft, another fan film about another modern day adventurer that was made about five years ago.

Still, it's an amazing time to be living in when fan films can give the pros a run for their money.

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