
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

More Poser fun

This new Poser picture is on the creepy side--so much so that I'm now wondering if I should have kept it for the Halloween updates. But it got loose now, and it shows the terror a helplessly hogtied woman feels when she realizes that her doctor is not what she thought he was--he's not even human! You can check it out right here.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ahsoka book review

I finished reading Ahsoka, the novel by E.K. Johnston. Ahsoka was easily my favorite character from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series (which is getting another season!), and I had often wondered what happened to her after the infamous "Order 66" event, where the Jedi had been wiped out by their own Clone Troopers. I heard she popped up on Star Wars: Rebels, but I haven't seen that show (didn't care for the characters).

Johnston's book fills in the gap between the "Order 66" massacre and when she appeared on Rebels, and the book is very good. We see Ahsoka basically on the run in hiding as a fugitive while the Empire takes control over the galaxy. You feel her desperation as Ahsoka is forced to give up her beloved lightsabers. Yet Johnston ably shows that Ahsoka doesn't need lightsabers to be heroic. Eventually Ahsoka comes to realize that she must confront the Empire with completely different tactics.

The book is well written and moves at a brisk pace, with a few cameos from familiar faces. I enjoyed it very much, seeing how it allowed me to spend time with a favorite SW character who had been superbly fleshed out by the author. Highly recommended.

You can get Ahsoka right here.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Back in the 1990s there was a series of straight to video films called Justine. Starring Daneen Boone in the title role, they were soft core porn that had some bondage sprinkled in here and there.

My favorite scene is from Justine: A Private Affair, in which our heroine, running afoul of a scheme to steal priceless artwork, gets captured and tied up by the bad guys while she's aboard a train.

Justine is barefoot and clad in a scant outfit when she's trussed up. And her struggling is very nice to watch.

She soon gets an idea to break the glass vase and use the shards to cut her bonds. You can even see the ropes that bind her wrists to the back of the chair she's seated in.

She's actually tied up with a man, but he's off camera for most of Justine's struggling. You can download this clip right here.

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Serenity was the movie that closed out the story line that was left hanging when the TV show Firefly was canceled. Summer Glau starred as psychic and onboard badass River Tam, who is seen in these first two pictures making her escape from a research facility.

Don't need no ladder here.

Later, in the present day, River goes along on a heist with the Serenity crew. And she goes barefoot here.

There's a nice shot of her walking through the hostages--which is a weird thing to say, but the BF shot is really superb.

Later she settles in aboard the Serenity, once more barefoot, as she listens to Mal tell her about the best way to treat your ship, with love. It's a great movie in and of itself. But you should see the TV series Firefly, first.

Serenity is available to watch right here.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another new Poser picture

A woman goes out shopping on a warm, summery day...only to find that she's in the cross hairs of a kidnapper! It's my latest Poser picture, and you can see this consumer interrupted nightmare right here.

Monday, July 23, 2018

The age of heroes

The San Diego Comic Con came and went this past weekend, and it's sprinkled us with movie trailers like a star-faring goddess flinging glitter in low earth orbit. Two of these trailers have caught my eye, and they are:

While I wasn't crazy for the Justice League film, one of the best things from it was Jason Momoa's take on Aquaman. His performance in that alone makes me want to see this film. Having gotten a taste of the aquatic goodness of James Wan's flick, I am more on board for this even now. This looks like The Lord of the Rings underwater, and it looks great. Underwater warriors riding into battle atop of sharks? Plus, Black Manta in all of his glory? I am so there.

I actually wasn't sure about this one. The original Shazam was very goofy in the comics, but when I saw that the filmmakers had embraced the goofiness here, I liked it. People have said that this was basically a superhero version of the Tom Hanks movie Big, and that works for me. And Zachary Levi looks like he was perfect casting for this. Plus Mark Strong as the villain? Count me in with this one, too.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Feels like boogeyman weather

After several weeks of hot and humid weather (aka "summer"), it started raining continuously, with the temperatures diving down to the point where it's downright chilly. This dark and stormy weather has put me in a Halloween mood lately. Despite the fact that it's still July, I've started watching some horror movies, including The Boogey Man.

Starring Suzanna Love (who winds up getting tied to the bed here), The Boogey Man was a weird, low budget horror flick that had a great scene with Love as the barefoot heroine in this scene who is trussed up.

This brief but intense scene was the highlight of the flick for me. I daresay it was better than the film that surrounded it.

Suzanna Love is also a co-writer of the film's script. You can download this clip right here.

You can see the entire film on Amazon Prime.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mikki in trouble

After watching the trailer for the latest Godzilla flick, it got me thinking about bondage in Godzilla movies. No, not Godzilla himself in bondage (although I'm sure there's probably a website devoted to that somewhere, and if that's what floats their boats, then more power to these glorious bastards), but scenes where a member of the female cast got tied up.

Let me introduce you to Megumi Odaka, who played psychic Miki Saegusa in several of the Godzilla movies that came out in the 1990s. In Godzilla Vs. Space Godzilla (1994) Mikki gets kidnapped by the Japanese mob. She's strapped to a cot in a warehouse where the mobsters try testing her psychic powers.

The mobsters seem to think that, if they control Mikki, they can somehow control Godzilla (Godzilla as a hitman? Or would he be better known as being a hitmonster?).

But Mikki is rescued by G-Force, the super-heroic good guys. Eat your heart out, Power Rangers!

And Mikki even helps out in her own rescue when one of the mobsters tries to use her as a billboard. The fact that Mikki was barefoot throughout her scene makes this a really pleasant one for me.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

"I'm trying to reach monarch...."

I really enjoyed the Godzilla remake that came out back in 2014. It was a nice updating of my favorite big movie monster, complete with him fighting a battle royale with the MUTOs (that one shot of Godzilla spewing his nuclear breath right into the throat of one of the MUTOs is still frigging awesome).

So I'm glad to see the Big G is back, but I'm also really glad to see that Millie Bobby Brown, Eleven from Stranger Things, is also here--as this teaser shows. Millie Bobby Brown taking on Godzilla? I am so there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Uncharted fan film

In the days of yore, fan films were cheap little productions made by amateurs who loved the cinematic (or TV) universes their stories took place in. These days a fan film can star big name actors and look as slick as a big-budget Hollywood production. That's what you have here, a fan film starring Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video games.

I've never played Uncharted, but it's a lot like an Indiana Jones adventure that's set in the modern day era. I've always liked Nathan Fillion, back when he was Mal on Firefly/Serenity, and he brings that same wise-cracking toughness here. It's not bad, but it's not as breath-taking and gripping as Croft, another fan film about another modern day adventurer that was made about five years ago.

Still, it's an amazing time to be living in when fan films can give the pros a run for their money.

Monday, July 16, 2018

New Poser pic

A woman at a pool party takes matters into her own hands when she recognizes another woman there. Find out what lurid thing she does in my latest Poser picture, which you can find right here.

A Quiet Place

I managed to see this over the weekend, and it caught me completely by surprise. A Quiet Place is a fantastic movie that's a post apocalyptic horror thriller where the world is taken over by these savage monsters with super hearing. If they hear the slightest sound, they will hunt down and kill whoever made it.

So the survivors who live in such a nightmarish world would have to be as quiet as possible, which includes going barefoot all of the time.

Real-life married couple Emily Blunt and John Krasinski (who also directed) star as parents who are desperately trying to keep their children alive in this deathly silent world.

Yes, I love this movie for the obvious reasons, which is plenty of barefoot scenes. But it's not just the women; the entire cast go barefoot throughout the movie's running time.

But even more than that, A Quiet Place is a marvelous horror movie that is extremely well done in how it makes you care for the characters and root for them throughout. And because you care about them, the suspense is nerve-wracking. This flick is highly recommended.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Alien Covenant sets

I think I must be one of five people who actually enjoyed Alien: Covenant, the most recent (and possibly last) film in the Alien film franchise. I own the film on Blu-Ray and even have a Funko Pop of Daniels, its main character played by Katherine Waterston.

This video shows several major sets for that film being constructed in time-lapse. It's a cool look into film-making, as well as set building. It's remarkable how they can re-use a set in two different scenes and still make it look entirely different. It's basically the magic of movie making in its purest form.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Prisoner Maria: The Movie

This scene of a Japanese woman medically restrained to a bed is from Prisoner Maria: The Movie, which is a Japanese version of La Femme Nikita.

I've never seen this movie, just this clip--but it's one of my favorites for obvious reasons.

I haven't been able to track down who the actress that's strapped to the bed is. You can download it right here.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Mummy Returns (aka the Mummy MMA)

Released in 2001, The Mummy Returns was the sequel to 1999's The Mummy, starring Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz. Right in the middle of the movie was a flashback scene that featured Weisz and Patricia Velasquez fighting in ancient Egypt.

The women are fighting as a game, more to hone their fighting skills than anything else. But the fighting takes on a harder edge at one point.

The fact that they are both barefoot and wearing skimpy Egyptian bikinis (did they even have such things back then? Oh, yeah, this is a Hollywood movie, never mind about facts) made this a favorite scene of mine.

Please don't confuse these Mummy films with the godawful Tom Cruise flick that was regurgitated into theaters about a year ago. Unlike the Cruise flick, these two Mummy films were a lot of fun.

There was a third Mummy movie with Brendan Frasier that took place in China. Rachel Weisz wasn't in it, and the movie overall--while not as bad as the Cruise film--was pretty dull. Just see The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001)

Universal really botched up that whole "Dark Universe" idea they had, which was going to start with the Tom Cruise Mummy. They should have brought back Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz, maybe playing the descendants of their characters from the first two films. Whatever. At least we have these movies...and this lovely scene. :).

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The joys of MMA

MMA fighter Miesha Tate teaches Katie Nolan some self defense maneuvers in this clip (sometimes using a guy as her take-down dummy). The fact that both women are barefoot have nothing to do with the reason why I posted it here. Well, OK, maybe it had something to do with it. :)

Monday, July 9, 2018

They forgot something

I've got a new Poser picture up on my Deviant Art site. A secretary gets tied up by robbers who have covered all the bases...or so they think. Find out what they missed right here.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Jake and Doran

Doran Clark stars in this short but sweet clip as an undercover cop who's trussed up to a bed by gangsters.

It's from the first season episode "Body And Soul" of the series Jake and the Fatman.

As can be seen here, she's rescued by the Jake dude from the title. You can download it right here.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Sweet Child O Mine in the country

The bluegrass version of Sweet Child O Mine, by Guns 'n' Roses. And it's good. No, really. When I first saw this listing on youtube, I was skeptical. But the band is called Thunder and Rain, and they're excellent. And the lead singer, she can really sing! This is a very nice cover of one of my favorite songs.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

No matter where you go, there you are

I first saw The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai back when it first came out in theaters. I enjoyed it very much then.

When I re-watched it again recently, I still enjoyed it. But I was surprised to see its lead actress, Ellen Barkin, in this damsel in distress scene. I don't remember seeing it the first time (although that was a long time ago).

I was also pleasantly surprised to see that she was barefoot as well.

It looks very "busy" what with gadgets and whatnot covering her. She's supposed to have been tortured, although thankfully we don't see this being done to her onscreen.

They set out to eliminate her by sending a weird-looking creature down a ramp that's aimed right at Ellen's face, but she's rescued before anything untoward can happen.

It's an off-beat film that still entertains today, thanks to its '80s setting and a great cast.

In addition to Barkin, it also stars Peter Weller (Robo-Cop), Clancy Brown (Highlander), Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park), Christopher Lloyd (The Addams Family), and it even has a young Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad) in a small role. Fun flick; check it out if you can.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Meg

The Meg released a new trailer for the international market that has a few more scenes than the first one released two months ago. The Meg is short for Megalodon, which was a super giant shark that hunted in the deep oceans. The movie, based on a popular book (which spawned a series of novels), presents the idea that one such giant shark is still cruising the oceans today.

I love big monster movies, and am looking forward to this. But the problem here is that we're basically dealing with a super big shark, which might not be that thrilling. The same problem was found in King Kong (2005). The Peter Jackson remake of King Kong went through great pains to make Kong look realistic, but he was simply a big gorilla. The original 1933 King Kong had this great element of the fantastic because their Kong didn't look like an average gorilla.

Will The Meg still be cool even though we're dealing with just a super-sized shark? I hope so. Maybe I'm overthinking this, anyway. I'll still see it when it comes out. Hey, The Meg also stars Ruby Rose, after all, so how bad can it be? :)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Dinos on the brain

Having finished the first draft for the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book, I decided to take a break by seeing Jurassic World 2 (again). I already had dinosaurs on the brain from working on the book, and now I'm watching a movie that packed to the gills with dinos. Is it any wonder that my latest Poser picture has a dinosaur threatening the bound captives?

You can see my latest Poser picture right here.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The new Ryta book

Happy July. I've got some good news for the first day of the seventh month of the year. I've recently completed the first draft of the latest Ryta the Jungle Girl book. There's still a lot of work to be done, but the hard part, creating something from nothing, is finished. Now I start the second draft with rewriting and editing. At this rate, I hope to have this ready for sale sometime in August. Keep it here for further details.