
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Halloween poster

I saw the original Halloween in the theaters when it first cane out back when I was a kid (I actually wasn't old enough to see it then, but that's a long story). I didn't see any of the sequels in the theaters--and it was just as well, because they weren't very good (the one exception was Halloween III: Season of the Witch, which I thought was pretty good, but it eschewed 'The Shape stalking Laurie Strode' story in favor of a completely different storyline).

Supposedly this new Halloween film--the poster of which can be seen above--will be a direct sequel to the first Halloween. It opens forty years after the first film and will take place that long after the first film, as well.

I can't honestly say that I'm really looking forward to this one, because I've been burned so often with the bad sequels (and the remake film and its sequel, both directed by Rob Zombie, were so awful they made some of the sucky sequels look good). But Jamie Lee Curtis, the star of the original film is back--along with the original actor who played The Shape, so I will give this a shot. If nothing else, it looks like they're finally making a Halloween film that's on the right track.

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