
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Snooping alert ahead

In honor of the release of the latest Avengers film, I present a superhero(ish) adventure featuring a barefoot ninja woman. Spoiler alert: she gets captured for her troubles.

The bad guys tie her up in a storage area, and they even do the usual bragging bit at her before leaving her alone.

But like most superheroes, she's packing an extra knife--well, maybe not all superheroes have knives, but like most of them she's ready for anything. You can view/download the scene right here.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Avengers Infinity War

Dread it, run from it...or just enjoy the hell out of it, which is what I did with Avengers: Infinity War. I won't reveal spoilers, but damn, this was a great flick. A magnificent culmination of all the Marvel superhero films released thus far (featuring every superhero we have seen up to now), this movie is very brash and ballsy and wonderful and I need to see it again. Don't miss it.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Happy Alien Day!

Happy Alien Day! It's April 26, which is the same numbers as the moon where the alien was discovered in the first two (and best) Alien films: LV426.

To celebrate, I've chosen vidcaps from the movie Prometheus, which might not be the best of the series, but it had some nice barefoot scenes.

The first three are of Charlize Theron. She was originally considered for the lead role of Dr. Shaw.

But that went to Noomi Rapace, who's lying down here.

Noomi is getting some bad medical news from David, the android aboard the ship.

Noomi was the original Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Here, she probably wishes all she had to deal with was a dragon tattoo. Happy Alien Day once again!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Climbing into danger

Jeanne is a regular spy girl, sneaking into dangerous places to find the truth. Only this time she finds ropes! You can see my latest Poser picture right here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Black Cobras

These are screen caps from Black Cobras (Cobras Negras) a Mexican action movie that had a couple of good scenes.

The first few pictures show the lead actress in a flashback as she recounts the time she spent in a mental institution.

The second scene shows two bikini-clad women trussed up and gagged by the pool at night.

They're watching a knock-down, dragged out fight between the hero and the villain in the pool.

The good guy won. Which is good news for these girls.

I covered Mexican film bondage scenes on my old web site, and these were vidcaps that were made for that site, but had never been posted (until now). I don't know if there's a clip of these scenes. If I find it, I'll post it here.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Lego my droids

Someone re-created the battle of Geonosis, from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, in Lego form. Not only did they recreate the actual battle, with Droids verses Clone troopers, but they also built a Droid factory inside of a mountain--again, all from Lego sets.

And as if all of this wasn't enough, the conveyor belts in the Droid factory all work (well, except for one that broke down). Some great attention to detail here by some creative minds.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Darkest Hour

Olivia Thrilby co-stars in this really cool science fiction film about an alien invasion.

What sets this one apart from the other alien invasion flicks is that the aliens don't use space ships of any kind. Instead they are beings of pure energy that kill with a touch.

Another thing that sets The Darkest Hour apart from other alien invasion flicks is the fact that it takes place entirely in Moscow, Russia.

Olivia is one of several Americans who get caught fighting for their lives when the energy aliens attack.

Olivia was caught wearing heels at a nightclub when the attack came, so when they had to go out and scout around the city, she had no choice but to go barefoot.

Listening to the director's commentary, it's revealed that when Olivia tripped and fell during one shot, that she had actually broken her foot! So while she was barefoot during one sequence, she spent the rest of the film wearing boots with a hidden cast on her foot.

Friday, April 20, 2018

A damsel kept on hold

A young woman is abducted for ransom. She's kept bound, gagged and blindfolded (as well as barefoot) in a small room by her captors.

The name of the clip is Prandi Jul, and it was clipped by Zahir.

It's a long clip, over eight minutes, and well worth your time. You can view/download the scene right here.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Halloween poster

I saw the original Halloween in the theaters when it first cane out back when I was a kid (I actually wasn't old enough to see it then, but that's a long story). I didn't see any of the sequels in the theaters--and it was just as well, because they weren't very good (the one exception was Halloween III: Season of the Witch, which I thought was pretty good, but it eschewed 'The Shape stalking Laurie Strode' story in favor of a completely different storyline).

Supposedly this new Halloween film--the poster of which can be seen above--will be a direct sequel to the first Halloween. It opens forty years after the first film and will take place that long after the first film, as well.

I can't honestly say that I'm really looking forward to this one, because I've been burned so often with the bad sequels (and the remake film and its sequel, both directed by Rob Zombie, were so awful they made some of the sucky sequels look good). But Jamie Lee Curtis, the star of the original film is back--along with the original actor who played The Shape, so I will give this a shot. If nothing else, it looks like they're finally making a Halloween film that's on the right track.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Jurassic World 2: AH! Run!

It certainly looks like it will be fun, and I'm glad to see that the volcano won't be the climax of the film (at least I'm hoping that's the case). But the more I see of this, the more it reminds me of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, which came out in 1997. I hope it's not a rehash, but we'll see. I'm still seeing it regardless.

And it looks like there will be some underwater dino action here. I like that, because the dinos that swim in the sea are among my all-time favorites.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A caught snoop on DA

A young woman caught snooping is left tied to a table with a really big sword dangling precariously over her. Does she survive this deadly trap? Find out right here.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting crazy on the Crazy Train

I love what Postmodern Jukebox did with Ozzy's Crazy Train, giving it a 1940s style big band sound. I also love what the lead singer here, Jennie Lena, does with the song, giving it a lot of spunk. And the fact that she performs it in her bare feet is an added bonus for me.

But that tambourine guy...he scared me. He really, really scared me.... ;) Hope you're having a good start to a great week.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Nurse Sherri

The name of this clip is Nurse Sherri. I haven't seen this movie, but I think that's Nurse Sherri (Jill Jacobson) in the straitjacket. Apparently she hasn't been a very good nurse. Another short but sweet clip for me. You can view/download the scene right here.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Oh Boy

Lauren Cohan, Maggie from The Walking Dead, stars in The Boy as Greta, an American nanny working at a mansion in England.

She's been hired to take care of an old couple's young son, who turns out to be a life-sized doll, while they're away.

When she first meets the old couple, Greta actually gets yelled at because she had dared to remove her shoes when she first entered the house (it was raining heavily, and she didn't want to mark the floors).

When the old couple leave her alone in the mansion, Greta seems to deliberately go barefoot all the time. Good for her.

Eventually, shoes aren't the only things she's no longer wearing.

She also goes up into the attic to check out something while wearing only a towel (she just took a shower).

But it turns out the doll may be more than a doll, as Greta is locked in the attic! Some nice BF scenes from a favorite actress of mine in a spooky movie that's a nice change of pace from shambling zombies.

Friday, April 13, 2018

A lot at stake

A young woman is tied to a stake in the opening of this Russian cop show. It's a brief scene, but the bondage is nice. Thanks to a poster on Brian's Page for the heads up on this.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Damned dozer!

After working three days straight fixing a glitch on your Kindle book, what would you do? Lie in a fetal position in the corner and giggle hysterically? Nay...nay, I say! There's too much stuff to do!

That's why I posted a new Poser picture over on my Deviant Art Page. It features a nice couple on vacation who run into a bulldozer that's owned by pirates. You can catch the weirdness right here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Dino Lords have been found!

The case of the missing e-book has been solved. I'm still not sure what the problem was, or if even if it was me who fixed it (I spent the past full day doing nothing but re-formatting and re-uploading the book once again), but the manuscript for the latest Ryta book, Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Dino Lords, is up on the Kindle where it belongs.

To all of those who already bought a copy of my book, thank you very much for showing your support for me. The Dino Lords book is back up for sale right here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The missing Dino Lords

To recap, copies of the latest Ryta book Ryta the Jungle Girl and the Dino Lords are not loading on the Kindle for several people who bought them.

When I uploaded the book to the Kindle, the entire process went as smoothly as usual, and I was even able to preview my book--I had no warning, nor any idea there was a problem until somebody over on the DA page had informed me.

Not having any assistance from Amazon (their "help" section is a Q & A that doesn't even cover this situation), I re-uploaded the manuscript last night, thinking it might have been a glitch. I have no idea what the problem is, but it's extremely frustrating because everything... I have to wait a day or more before I can see if whatever I'm trying is working.

I'm hoping to get this situation fixed soon. But if you purchased the book and would rather not wait, you can get a refund through your Manage Your Content and Devices section on Amazon. Click on Ryta...Dino Lords, and under the Actions button, select "return for refund".

To say that this is aggravating is putting it very mildly. But I will continue working to resolve this problem by having the latest Ryta book published one way or another. And I'm also considering publishing the Ryta books in print. Watch this space.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Problems with Dino Lords book

I've been notified that there is a problem with the latest Ryta book, The Dino Lords, in that it won't open on the Kindle, or any other device. When I uploaded it, there were no indications of any problems, but that's obviously not the case.

If you purchased the book, be advised that I'm working on a way to correct this problem. I've uploaded another copy of the manuscript, but we have to wait twenty four hours before we can see if it works--once again, everything looks all right on my end, but I want to see it actually open on the Kindle before I consider the problem to be solved.

If you haven't purchased Dino Lords yet, please hold off on buying it until this matter is resolved. Thanks for your understanding.

The second Solo trailer

A new trailer for the Han Solo movie dropped and it looks good. Did we just see Woody Harrelson give Han his famous blaster? And Chewie is 190 years old? And it looks like he was bidding goodbye to his wife! Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) looks great no matter what universe she's in.

I'm liking the idea behind these standalone Star Wars stories (I loved Rogue One) because the Star Wars universe is such a vast and compelling place that I think they should explore all of it with stories that aren't part of the Skywalker clan.

And in Star Trek news, they've cast an actor to play the new Captain Christopher Pike on ST: Discovery. Anson Mount will play Pike in the second season of the show. I'm looking forward to seeing this, as well. You can see the story about it right here.

Come to Knotbusters for all of your Science Fiction and Fantasy news. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Supergirl sans shoes

Everybody knows of the Supergirl series that's currently running on the CW network (along with a host of other superhero series, based on the DC universe), but, Supergirl first made her live-action debut back in 1984 with this movie.

In this version, Supergirl (played here by Helen Slater) lives in Argo City, where everybody--including her--goes barefoot.

I first saw Supergirl in the theaters way back when, and remember being pleasantly surprised to see an entire society like this sans shoes. This sequence lasts for about the first ten minutes.

Of course, when Supergirl starts messing with the high tech magic wand that belongs to Peter O'Toole, all hell breaks loose.

This is what makes her leave Argo city; Supergirl has to retrieve the thingamaging that got sucked out the window while she was fooling around with it.

Once she arrives on Earth, she meets Matt Frewer, who tries to assault Supergirl, only to find out--the hard way--that she's not having any of it. This makes Matt reassess his life and he comes back as a stuttering animated robot called Max Headroom. Bet you didn't know that, huh? That's what I'm here for, my friend. I am a dispenser of weird, arcane knowledge.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Maria the barefoot pilot

Maria flies a seaplane, which lands directly on the water, and as a result she works in her bare feet. Very nice work if you can get it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Dead In 3 Days

Dead In 3 Days was a slasher film that came out of nowhere.

Well, actually, it did come from somewhere. It was made in Austria, having been released in 2006. But it wasn't released in the States until 2009, well after I ended my old website. When I first saw this movie, I was actually annoyed that I couldn't share it with anybody back then.

The best scene in the movie is when the heroine, Nina (Sabrina Reiter) is abducted by the killer, who likes to kill his/her victims by drowning them in the lake.

Nina is grabbed while at home, barefoot and clad only in panties and a shirt. She awakens to find herself trussed up in the trunk of a car.

After being driven by the killer, Nina is taken out of the trunk and dragged into a boathouse in the pouring rain.

Once inside the boathouse, Nina's already bound feet are secured to a heavy object. She will be taken out to the center of the lake in a boat, where the killer will throw Nina overboard, drowning her.

At least that's the plan...but thankfully, Nina turns out to be a plucky young heroine with a lot of luck on her side.

There was a sequel that was made a couple years after this film, but as far as I know it hasn't been released in the States yet.

This is one of my all-time favorite scenes, and the movie itself is a superb horror thriller overall. You can view/download the scene right here.