
Monday, February 5, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer

This is a longer trailer than the one that premiered last night during the Superbowl. I didn't even bother watching that one because it was only forty five seconds long and was a 'teaser' for this longer trailer, which was due to debut today (I'm also getting a little tired of this 'trailer for the trailer' nonsense that the studios have been pulling lately).

As far as the trailer goes itself, I like it. I was dubious about this movie even when it was first announced. And the behind the scenes shenanigans that went on while it was filming haven't really helped to convince me that I would want to see it. After all, Harrison Ford will always be the real Han Solo for me. But, based on what I see here, I'm willing to give this a shot. I mean, what the hell, it's our Star Wars movie for 2018, and it's coming out in May to boot.

I'm still amazed that we live in such an era that we're given a new Star Wars film (not to mention superhero films and whatnot) every year. These are good times to be a geek.

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