
Monday, February 26, 2018


I've watched this QVC clip a couple of times and I still have no idea what they're selling. Why? Well, while watching it, I keep getting...distracted. You know what I mean? :)

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Shadow Puppets

I first saw Shadow Puppets on cable some years back. A group of people awaken in what looks like a mental institution with no knowledge of who they are or why they're there.

All of the patients are barefoot and clad only in their underwear.

The film's lone bondage scene shows one of the female patients trussed up.

Jolene Blalock (who played Sub-Commander T'Pol on Star Trek: Enterprise) stars in this as Kate. She's the first person we see waking up.

The entire female cast goes barefoot throughout this movie (they do get dressed at one point). Note: there are men in this as well.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Aktenzeichen XY ungelost

This is from a German true crime series where they hire actors to portray the victims and perpetrators of crimes in the hopes the criminals can be IDed by the viewer (sort of like America's Most Wanted, but the German version started long before and is still running today).

Here, two actresses play a mother and her grown daughter who suffer through a home invasion. The mother is barefoot, and there are some very nice shots of her bare feet getting tied up. The daughter is wearing socks.

The scene is long, about ten minutes, and it's very intense, showing extreme violence. You can see/download it here.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

New Poser picture on DA

This week's Poser picture has a science fiction bent as a young woman exploring what she thinks is a deserted mansion runs into an angry robot. You can see the result of this clash right here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Danger, Will Robinson, danger!"

The Robinson family is getting lost again. This reboot of Lost In Space will be on Netflix this coming April. I watched the original series when it was in reruns back in the 1970s, and I loved it. Yes, it got very silly at times, but as a kid I enjoyed the vibrant sense of adventure that the original series had.

Molly Parker, from Deadwood, plays the Robinson family matriarch, and I think it's perfect casting. I've always liked Parker in everything she does. I'm looking forward to this one.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A gift for me?

In the second season episode of Salem, titled Blood Kiss, the Countess Marburg is presented a gift by her son.

It's a young barefoot woman, tightly bound hand and foot and gagged. The Countess is quite pleased with her new toy (or snack?). It's a brief scene, about thirty seconds, but I like it.

I was unable to find the name of the actress playing the damsel, but The Countess is played by none other than Lucy Lawless, who had many good scenes herself back when she was Xena. You can see the meeting for yourself right here.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Black Panther

I saw Black Panther over the weekend, and enjoyed it very much. I liked this character when I first saw him in Captain America: Civil War, and immediately wanted to know as much as I could about him. Black Panther does all of that and more. It's a great superhero movie, with loads of the thrills that we come to expect from this genre.

But Black Panther doesn't cut corners on the characterizations. Everybody here feels like a real human being (there's a great cast here) with realistic goals, even the villain. And this makes Black Panther all the more enthralling because you care for them. I'm looking forward to Avengers: Infinity War (which this movie hints at) next. Make mine Marvel.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

About that Red Sparrow

OK, so Jennifer know, from the Hunger Games with her Hunger Games director (the guy with the same last name as hers who helmed the last three HG flicks) for this spy thriller that opens on March 2, which is just about a couple of weeks from now.

Various pictures and a GIF have surfaced showing Jennifer Lawrence in various stages of bondage, including one scene where she's bound completely naked. And I just realized that I really should try and see this one. Thanks to posters over at Brian's Page for this heads up.

You can see the GIF for yourself right here.

Friday, February 16, 2018

A Cure For Wellness

A Cure For Wellness was an interesting and creepy film from director Gore Verbinski, who also gave us the first Ring movie, as well as having directed the first three Pirates films with Johnny Depp.

Dane DeHann stars as an executive who's sent to find the CEO of his company, who's vacationing at a spa in the Alps. But the spa is more than it appears.

DeHann meets Hannah (Mia Goth) a young woman who lives at the spa.

Hannah winds up helping DeHann to unravel the mystery at the center of the spa. But she puts herself in danger by doing so.

It should also be noted that Mia Goth as Hannah goes barefoot throughout the entire film. Even when she's at a lavish party, clad in a new dress, she's still barefoot. My kind of girl, and my kind of movie. Warning: this movie contains some graphic gore.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Meeting Sasha

A young female snoop gets far more than she bargains for when she breaks into a supposedly abandoned beach house where she meets Sasha. You can see the meeting for yourself right here.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Hannah Herzsprung stars in this gritty German-Swiss science fiction/horror movie about the world slowly coming to an end through steadily rising temperatures. As if dealing with the potential end of the world wasn't enough, Hannah's character is soon captured by cannibals.

There's an intense scene where she's trussed up in a butcher's workshop, and it looks like she's next on the menu. This is a fantastic movie all around, and well worth your while well beyond the great bondage scene.

You can view/download this clip right here.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Can you guess why Tangled is one of my favorite animated movies?

It's got some nice music, and the animation is superb.

The fact that Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) got tied up at the end was very nice.

But I really enjoyed this one because the lead female character goes barefoot throughout the entire film. Thanks, Disney!

Mission Impossible Fallout

This new Mission Impossible film looks like it'll be the first true sequel of the bunch, taking off from the end of Rogue Nation. I recall watching and enjoying the original series when it was in re-runs as a kid. But I never liked the Tom Cruise movies, until I saw Ghost Protocol.

Ghost Protocol was a real game changer for me in that it was a genuinely exciting and thrilling adventure that matched--if not topped--the best Bond films. Rogue Nation just upped the ante, creating a spectacular female agent in Ilsa Faust (played by the marvelous Rebecca Ferguson). Ilsa is back in Fallout, which is enough for me to want to see this. But the trailer for Fallout really looks good. I can't wait to see this one.

Friday, February 9, 2018

New Poser picture on DA

A guy gets abducted with a modern day princess and tries to impress her by acting like an escape artist. Does he succeed? Find out on my Deviant Art page right here.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Cloud Atlas

I can't say that I liked Cloud Atlas, because it was a movie that was all over the place in tone and style. But I did enjoy the storyline that took place in a futuristic Korea that starred Doona Bae as a clone.

At one point she's captured by the police of the oppressive government and goes barefoot throughout this scene.

Fortunately she's rescued by her lover, who poses as one of the cops.

There's even something for bondage fans, although it's a very quick scene.

It's been a while since I've seen this movie, and I've been meaning to give it another shot.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Giallo a Venezia

Mariangela Giordano stars has the doomed victim of a serial killer in this Italian slasher film from 1979. Answering the door after taking a shower, Giordano winds up being chased around her apartment, knocked out, and tied down to a table--all while naked. That's the reason why I can't show anymore pictures other than the one above.

You can view/download this clip right here.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer

This is a longer trailer than the one that premiered last night during the Superbowl. I didn't even bother watching that one because it was only forty five seconds long and was a 'teaser' for this longer trailer, which was due to debut today (I'm also getting a little tired of this 'trailer for the trailer' nonsense that the studios have been pulling lately).

As far as the trailer goes itself, I like it. I was dubious about this movie even when it was first announced. And the behind the scenes shenanigans that went on while it was filming haven't really helped to convince me that I would want to see it. After all, Harrison Ford will always be the real Han Solo for me. But, based on what I see here, I'm willing to give this a shot. I mean, what the hell, it's our Star Wars movie for 2018, and it's coming out in May to boot.

I'm still amazed that we live in such an era that we're given a new Star Wars film (not to mention superhero films and whatnot) every year. These are good times to be a geek.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Jurassic World 2 Trailer

There's this big sporting event that's being played today...I forget what it is...oh yeah, it's the Puppy Bowl. But apparently we got a new trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom during this event. And I like it better than the last trailer.

Still not too sure of what the story is (not that it really matters, because they have my money anyway), but this trailer makes it seem like its going to be much more than 'let's-rescue-the-dinosaurs-from-the-exploding-volcano' story line from the first trailer (exploding volcanoes are so 1990s, I mean, know?)

But I'm seeing this regardless anyway because: DINOSAURS! And as far as the Puppy Bowl is concerned, all I have to say is: Go, Beagles!

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Sandra Bullock stars in Gravity, one of my favorite films released in the last few years. I was enthralled with its story of a female astronaut fighting to get back to Earth after a disaster in space.

Imagine my shock when Bullock's character, once finding refuge aboard a space station, strips out of her astronaut suit and takes a nap (as well as try and call Earth). This was the last movie I was expecting to see a barefoot scene like this, and it was very welcome.

In doing research for my SF book, A Daughter of Ryklon, I discovered that astronauts actually wear diapers under their clothes. So the sleek black fashionable panties that Sandra wears here are probably not accurate, but I'm willing to let this slide. :)

Friday, February 2, 2018

New Poser picture on Deviant Art

How are you doing on this fine mid-winter day? Annie, my magical apprentice, is back in trouble once more. But seeing how she's an escape artist, it can't be all that bad, now can it? Find out on my Deviant Art page right here.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Banshee (4.07)

Eliza Dushku plays an FBI agent who gets abducted by members of a cult. Stripped of her clothing, she's left tied with her hands above her head--and she almost escapes, until she's re-captured.

She's then tied down to an altar, where she is to be sacrificed. There's even a nice long chat that she has with her captor, who gives her a sip of whiskey through a straw.

No worries, her character survives. But this scene is a nice example of a damsel getting stripped of her clothing when she's captured. You can view/download this clip right here.