
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Star Trek: Discovery

Warning: spoilers ahead.

I managed to see the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, and I enjoyed them, despite being surprised by some things. The first to catch me off guard was the major re-design of the Klingons, with this version making them even more alien looking than ever before.

The second is how much more advanced things are for a series that's supposed to take place ten years before Kirk takes command of the Enterprise. But the really big shock for me was the betrayal that Commander Michael Burnham pulls on her captain--which pretty much goes against everything a Starfleet officer is supposed to stand for.

But this latest incarnation of Trek is supposed to be more darker and edgy than the others, and with Bunrham being hauled off to jail for life, the series is living up to that promise. However, the epic space battle in the second half was very enjoyable, and I'm interested in Burnham enough as a character to want to follow her exploits. So I'm going to stick with it for now.

I have a suspicion of where this story line might go, and I think we might wind up right back at the Battle of the Binary Suns at the end of the season through time travel. Of course I could be wrong. We'll see. That's part of the fun with Star Trek, anything's possible.

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