
Friday, September 29, 2017

New picture on DA

A blast from the past picture above helps us to inaugurate the month of Halloween Poser pictures.

A bound and gagged couple discover they're a zombie's first meal in my latest Poser pic that helps to kick off the month of Halloween--when each picture will have a scary Halloween theme. You can begin the terror right here.

Crimes en série

French Guy clipped this one. It a new clip of an old scene, and it's one of my favorites. A woman is taken hostage (along with a guy--but he's been cut out of this clip) and then trussed up in front a bomb.

The woman is barefoot, and this new clip shows off her bound bare feet nicely. The show is in French.

By the way, the Google Drive now seem to be working. I can view the videos as well as download them, so I'm back to using this for now. But I'll keep an eye on this situation. You can watch/download it right here.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Annihilation trailer

Annihilation is a new science fiction film that's based on the book by Jeff VanderMere. I haven't read the book, but judging from the trailer Padme, from the Star Wars prequel films teams up with Poe Dameron, from the Star Wars sequel films, to investigate some weird shit that's happening in the wild.

It looks like it might be very good, it's directed by the guy who did Ex Machina. And, judging from the trailer, we're going to have a tie up scene, complete with a gag:

I am so there. :)

Star Trek: Discovery

Warning: spoilers ahead.

I managed to see the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, and I enjoyed them, despite being surprised by some things. The first to catch me off guard was the major re-design of the Klingons, with this version making them even more alien looking than ever before.

The second is how much more advanced things are for a series that's supposed to take place ten years before Kirk takes command of the Enterprise. But the really big shock for me was the betrayal that Commander Michael Burnham pulls on her captain--which pretty much goes against everything a Starfleet officer is supposed to stand for.

But this latest incarnation of Trek is supposed to be more darker and edgy than the others, and with Bunrham being hauled off to jail for life, the series is living up to that promise. However, the epic space battle in the second half was very enjoyable, and I'm interested in Burnham enough as a character to want to follow her exploits. So I'm going to stick with it for now.

I have a suspicion of where this story line might go, and I think we might wind up right back at the Battle of the Binary Suns at the end of the season through time travel. Of course I could be wrong. We'll see. That's part of the fun with Star Trek, anything's possible.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Interupted Vacay

Soko 5113 is a long-running cop show from Germany. This is one of my favorite scenes, where the cop and his family are surprised by a baddie while they're on vacation. The cop is forced to tie up his wife in a nice hogtie with her bound bare feet on full display. This is a pretty decent copy of the scene, as well.

You will notice that I have gone back to Sendspace, after using the Google Drive for my videos. I've recently discovered that Google has switched off the "viewing" feature on the drive, and that people can now only directly download videos without the option of viewing them.

I'm also hearing rumors--but I can't back them up--that Google may be doing away with their storage drives completely. So, just to be on the safe side, I've decided to make the switch now rather than wait for somebody in an office somewhere to pull the plug.

You can download this from my Sendspace account right here.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Happy Batman Day

I just found out that today is Batman Day!

It first started a few years ago, in honor of Batman's seventy-fifth anniversary. The celebrations continued the following year, and the next.

And so now the Caped Crusader has his own holiday.

So Happy Batman Day to you, and may the shadow of the Bat always protect you in dark places.

Friday, September 22, 2017

My favorite moment from Wonder Woman

My favorite moment in Wonder Woman, the super fantastic movie starring Gail Godot as WW, comes at just around one hour and eighteen minutes into the film. It's deep into her battle with the soldiers when Wonder Woman stops to give one of them The Look.

It's this great, 'oh-no-you-don't' look that Godot pulls off very nicely, just before she attacks another soldier. I just got the Blu-Ray of Wonder Woman today, and one of the first things I did was to make a screen-grab of The Look, which you can see above. This is going to make a nice wallpaper for my computer.

It's great to finally add this flick to my superhero film collection. Welcome home, Diana.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

New pic on DA

The guest from hell--you know, the guy who just won't leave, well after a party is over? Well, two women encounter a guy who *REALLY* overstays his welcome in my latest Poser picture, which you can see right here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Gerald's Game and Ryta

I remember when Gerald's Game first came out (and I still have my first edition hardcover copy), and at the time I thought if they would ever make this into a movie, that Michelle Pfeiffer would star. But back then I had pretty much imagined every famous female star cuffed to the bed in King's story.

But Carla Gugino got cast, and I'm glad she did. The book was written before the advent of cell phones and voice-activated home "servants" like Alexa. I'm wondering how the film will deal with this--if at all; it could be a period piece where they don't have this tech. It premieres on Netflix on September 29, so we'll see.

In other news, the writing on the new Ryta book is going well. It depends on the overall length, but I'm a third of the way through it and still plugging along, no matter what. For the latest news on the newest Ryta book, you can keep it right here.

Monday, September 18, 2017

My new (old) favorite song

These guys have done a heavy metal version of Toto;'s Africa, and it is glorious. The video is also very funny. The female backup singer is very cute, too. I always liked the Toto version of this, but this my new favorite version of this song.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Jake and the bed-bound damsel

Doran Clark stars in the Body And Soul episode of the TV series Jake and the Fatman as an undercover cop whose cover is blown. Jake comes to the rescue, and finds her like this.

The bad guys tied Doran to a bed barefoot and in a nightgown. Jake immediately sets to untying her.

It's a very short scene, but one of my favorites, and not because she's barefoot. Dressed as she is, Clark almost looks like a classic fairy tale princess. A good damsel in distress scene overall. You can watch/download it right here.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Harry Dean Stanton

The character actor Harry Dean Stanton died today at 91. If you've been watching movies over the last forty five years or so, you'd probably seen Stanton in one or two things. He was probably best known as Brett from the first Alien movie, but he was also in Escape From New York, Paris, Texas, The Godfather II, Cool Hand Luke, as well as the TV show Big Love, and many more.

I'll always fondly remember him as Brett, from Alien. ("Right.") RIP.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Another new pic on DA

Just because a woman is in bed doesn't necessarily mean that she's asleep, as my latest Poser picture shows right here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

On this day in Space 1999

September 13, 1999 was the day when the moon was blown out of Earth's orbit--at least according to Space: 1999. The scene above depicts the actual blow-out, so to speak. I watched and loved this series as a kid back when it first aired. And despite its corniness, I still enjoy it today. Happy Space 1999 Day.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Der Ballermann

One of my all-time favorite moments is in Der Ballermann: Ein Bulle auf Mallorca, which is a German TV movie that has actress Nina Gnädig getting grabbed by the bad guys after snooping around a luxurious home.

She's taken to a warehouse, where she's tied to a chair, a scene that's revealed to us in a slow pan up from her bound bare feet to her gagged face. Her coat and shoes had been removed by the baddies.

She is rescued and presumably goes on to snoop many times more. You can watch/download the scene right here.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jerry Pournelle

Jerry Pournelle passed away recently. He was the co-author, with Larry Niven, of one of my all-time favorite alien invasion books, Footfall. The Earth is invaded by aliens who look like baby elephants with multiple tentacles instead of trunks.

Trust me, it reads a lot better than it sounds. Niven and Pournelle take the alien invasion step by step, describing the attack, and the human response, in great detail that's very well researched. Imagine Tom Clancy (The Hunt For Red October) meets Independence Day, and you'll get a good idea of what Footfall is like. This is an excellent book that's highly recommended.

Friday, September 8, 2017

New pic on DA

I have a new picture up on Deviant Art (DA!). A bikini-clad lady gets surprised by some people who are not here to give her a house warming party. You can witness the horror by going to this link right here.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Emerald Inferno

The Green Inferno was a film directed by Eli Roth, who also gave us the first two Hostel films. And like the Hostel movies, The Green Inferno is very gory. Lorenza Izzo plays a college student who tries to help the natives in the South American rain forests, only to run into trouble.

About 80 minutes into the film, Izzo gets tied to poles by the natives, who are about to perform a nasty ritual on her. But don't worry, she escapes. I can't show you much of this scene, since Izzo's naked throughout (and for that reason it's NSFW).

Speaking of the jungles, the latest Ryta The Jungle Girl book is moving along very nicely. 37 pages so far and many more to come. I'll keep you posted on this as it goes.

You can watch/download the scene right here.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It In The Hat

You would think this was a trailer for IT, the new movie coming out this week. But you would be wrong. It's a trailer about something much, much scarier: The Cat In The Hat. But not just the book--oh no, this is the Mike Meyers Cat In The Hat THAT'S really scary!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Lego Falcon

Lego has produced an all new version of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. It comes in two versions, the Falcon that was seen in The Empire Strikes Back, or the "present day" Falcon that will be seen in the upcoming The Last Jedi.

And it even comes with Porgs, too!

While it looks great, featuring an interior (complete with the 3D chess set table), the price is a little terrifying. $800.00. Yep, eight hundred dollars. For that kind of cheddar, this baby should be able to make the kessel run in twelve parsecs for real.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Star Crack

Raffish has clipped this scene from an Italian parody of Star Trek (hence the name Star Crack). I haven't seen the entire video, but I certainly like this scene for the obvious reason. No gag, but a very nice barefoot hogtie. Being a big Star Trek fan, I wish I could see the whole thing.

You can watch/download the scene right here.

Friday, September 1, 2017

New DA picture

I have a new Poser picture up for September. A kidnapper thinks he's got all of the angles covered...except for one, and that's a biggie! You can see what he missed right here.