
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The next Ryta book

I've started working on the next Ryta the Jungle Girl book, and I'm doing it by re-reading the last one. Although I know the characters very well, I've found that reading through the last book helps to reacquaint me with some minor story lines that can be picked up in the new book.

Usually, I don't have to re-read the previous book, since I usually go from Ryta book to Ryta book, one after the other. But this time I took a break from the saga to write The Chosen Ones.

While I've been re-reading, I've kept a word doc open and have been writing some notes for the next book. So far, I've got about the first third of the new Ryta book plotted out. So I'm pleased to see the new Ryta book is on its merry way, plot-wise.

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