
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Flash/Supergirl musical

I have to admit I'm not a big fan of musicals. The idea of people breaking into song in movies always seemed silly to me (I've no desire to see La la Land for this reason). But, having said that, I enjoyed "Once More, With Feeling," the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I enjoyed it so much I even bought the soundtrack album.

Side note: If you haven't seen this episode of Buffy, you should seek it out. The music is a mixture of contemporary rock, pop music, and old-school Broadway musicals. And all of the songs serve to advance the story, as well as reveal the characters' inner feelings. And it's also very funny in spots, too.

So I was willing to give this new musical a shot. It offered another team-up between The Flash and Supergirl, which I was eager to see. And both actors have singing experience from being on Glee (a show that I avoided like the plague, because, you was a musical).

But, having now seen it, I have to say that while it was cute overall--there are some funny moments here and there, and the chemistry between Grant Gustin (Flash) and Melissa Benoist (Supergirl) is great, as always--it didn't grab me like the Buffy musical episode did. Unlike Buffy, which created all-new music, the music in the Flash/Supergirl show was a mixture of old and new songs, and it just left me cold.

While the show did resolve some personal issues for the main characters, it would have been nice to see them solve these problems on their own, without resorting to a hackneyed plot device like this.

Oh well, they can't hit every episode out of the ballpark, I guess. I'm still a huge fan of both shows, and look forward to seeing more (non-musical) episodes from them.

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