
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Who should play Who?

Peter Capaldi, who plays Doctor Who, will be leaving after the upcoming tenth season. This video clip from What Culture gives some suggestions as to who can play the character after Capaldi leaves.

My favorite of the bunch is Haley Atwell, who played Agent Carter in the Captain America movies, as well as on the Agent Carter TV show on ABC (before it was cancelled). She's a great, personable actress who can easily carry a series.

Of course, having a female Doctor would change the whole dynamic with the Doctor's Companions, who are usually female. But the older Doctors from the seventies and eighties occasionally traveled with male companions, so there's no law saying the female Doctor can't have a female companion, either. She could also do what Matt Smith's Doctor did, when he traveled with Amy and Rory, and have a man and a woman companion team.

Another interesting choice here is Tim Roth, from Reservoir Dogs, and Rupert Grint, who played Ron in the Harry Potter films. We still have a lot of time before the final decision is made, of course. But it's always fun to consider the possibilities, which is what Doctor Who is really all about, anyway.

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