
Monday, May 18, 2015

The Wonders of Aladdin

Noëlle Adam stars as the damsel in this clip (which wasn't clipped by me). She's suspended naked in mid-air in the villain's lair in this 1961 take on the legend of Aladdin.

Her wrists are tied above her head, and she's nicely gagged, but her bare feet are left dangling.

The clip looks like it's been taken from an old, faded VHS copy, which is a shame. I've looked this up, and the movie is not available on DVD. So this faded clip will have to do for now. Kudos to whoever clipped this rare scene. You can see the clip right here.

NOTE: If you go to download this clip and see the above, make sure you UNCLICK the slot (which reads, "download with sendspace accelerator and get recommended offers). Once you unclick this, then hit download and it will take you to another page where you can download the clip properly.

If you leave it clicked while downloading, then you will also get ads and other unwanted stuff with your download. I have no control over Sendspace, I can't stop them from doing this, but I can at least warn people about it.

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