
Monday, April 6, 2015

The final Avengers 2 trailer! Honest!

This is reportedly the FINAL trailer for the Avengers sequel. Remember the good old days when they would release just one, maybe two trailers at most? This opens on May 1, 2015, and I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed the first Avengers film, as well as all the other Marvel superhero movies that came before and since.

But I have to say that my all-time favorite of these is Captain America: The Winter Soldier. ("On your left!") I really LOVED that movie because it had a little bit of everything: nail-biting suspense, spy-movie paranoia, and plenty of Scarlett Johansson.

She's back in Avengers 2, and I'm looking forward to seeing her, as well as her comrades, back in action again.

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