
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bye bye, Dailymotion

After several months of pulling down videos that I uploaded, after several months of constant rejection, Dailymotion has sacked my account. Yes, friends, Dailymotion has proved itself to be a harsh mistress, for it has finally dumped me!

If that's how they want it, then fine, arrivederci, Dailymotion!

I shall carry on with my craziness, like this clip of Snapdragon from Sam, elsewhere.

They could have gone to Dailymotion to appreciate a wiggling Pam, but oh no!

This sort of tawdry thing was not good enough for Dailymotion? Very well.

Oh these hosting services are so fickle! But fear not, for you can see Sam's clip right here, instead!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas. Have a safe and happy one.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

More bed shenanigans

After getting grabbed and tied up by the bad guy (all shown onscreen) this damsel winds up tied down to a bed.

This was clipped by Sam, and it's a lengthy scene with lots and lots to see.

You can see Sam's clip right here.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

New Poser art is up on DA

I've uploaded more of my Poser art goofiness to my Deviant Art page.

The link to the DA page is right: here.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Strapped to the bed with nothing to do

This one's from Togolane. A woman awakens to find herself barefoot and clad in a hospital gown while strapped down to a bed.

But instead of a regular hospital room, there are lit candles on a table, and soon a bunch of guys in red robes show up and inject her with something...but not before they place a red mask over her face.

Weird stuff is afoot! You can see Togolane's clip right here.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Heather Locklear in TJ Hooker

Sam just posted this clip online. It's none other than the gorgeous Heather Locklear from the TJ Hooker episode "Trackdown".

She's been grabbed by the bad guys during a stakeout in a steak house (well, it was a restaurant of some kind..but a stakeout in a steak house sounds good, doesn't it? I dunno why, but now I'm hungry for steak). She's taken to a hotel room and cuffed to the headboard...which is something that probably happens in a lot of hotel rooms (between consensual adults).

TJ Hooker is played by William Shatner, who's really Captain Kirk, as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, Heather's barefoot while on the bed, and you can find Sam's clip of the shenanigans right here.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I usually don't get excited about trailers, but this one had me really enthusiastic to see this movie. Being a fan of the Original Trilogy, I never cared for the Star Wars Prequel Films, but The Force Awakens looks like it might be really fun--at least based on what I saw here.

Besides, it also stars a cute young woman riding a really wild hover bike. It might well have something for everybody.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'd just like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rejected again

I send flowers, I take it out on nice dinners, but Dailymotion keeps rejecting me, over and over. Maybe I need to take a time out from our relationship...I don't know, but while I'm figuring this heady stuff out, you can see the clip that Dailymotion rejected right here.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tied to bed confessional

I have this clip from a movie, I don't know what film it is, of a woman who's tied down to a bed. There are some nice shots of her in this predicament.

After ample struggling from the bound woman, a really self-absorbed guy comes in and starts pouring his soul out to her, when all she really wants is to be untied from the damned bed.

As you might guess, it's a comedy. The guy finally does untie her, and there are some nice shots of her bare feet overall here. I didn't clip this. I believe this was clipped by Sam.

I have this clip right here.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Deviant Art page is updated for November

Four new pictures have been posted on my Deviant Art page. As usual, I hope you enjoy them.

The link to the DA page is right: here.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Twister's Revenge is over!

Dailymotion pulled this video from my account. The screen said, "rejected, click here to delete".

When I deleted it, a screen came up, asking me, "Are you SURE you want to delete?"

No, I don't want to delete it, but since it's been rejected, what choice do I have?

Honestly, dealing with Dailymotion at times can be so much fun! :D

Anyway, M John's clip of Twister's Revenge can now be found here.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Twister's Revenge

Meredith Orr stars in this goofy movie as a woman who's been abducted while making whoopie with her boyfriend. She's taken to a cave where she's tied to a chair.

For some reason the bad guys have a coffee maker in the cave. Guess they really like their coffee.

After much struggling against her bonds, Meredith is eventually rescued, and the coffee maker is also given a nice new home. All is well in Twister's Revenge.

This was originally clipped by M Johns, and you can find this right here.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

One nerve-wracking commercial

I first saw this over on youtube. It's a two minute long commercial the involves a woman waking up to find herself having been kidnapped.

She discovers that she's tied to a stool in a run-down place, with her kidnapper taking a nap just a few feet away from her.

She manages to work her bare feet free of the ropes, then gets to work in trying to move the stool she's tied to over to a rusted nail.

What follows is a truly nerve-wracking moment where she tries to work her tied wrists free while watching an empty bottle rattle precariously on the very edge of the table.

This is a well-done, suspense-filled clip that ends way too soon. Would you believe that it's a commercial? I wanted to see what happens next.

You can find this clip right here.

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Deviant Art page is updated (again)

Thanks to the release of the all-new Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Terror of Storm-Haven, I've updated my Deviant Art page with more pictures of our favorite jungle girl in peril.

The link to the DA page is right: here.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The latest Ryta book is out!

The newest Ryta book, Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Terror Of Storm-Haven, is now finished and ready for sale on Amazon.

After the events of the third book, Ryta and her extended family take the Leviathan as far downriver as they can in an effort to escape the evil Mother Midnight. But in doing so, they have entered a new world that contains the mysterious city of Storm-Haven.

Situated on the shores of a vast ocean, and surrounded by deep waters filled with treacherous sea monsters of vast size and power, Storm-Haven is a city whose ruling elite keep themselves in power thanks to a thriving slave trade.

When Lacey and Melina fell prey to slavers, Ryta must go after them, navigating the back-stabbing world of Storm-Haven, where the people are far more dangerous than the monsters in the ocean!

You can pick up your copy of this brand new, never before published book right here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The clip for the Agents of Shield BF scene

Well, that didn't take long...

Gagster created a clip from the barefoot bondage scene on Agents of Shield featuring Ming-Na Wen tied to a chair. Here are some vidcaps that I made from the clip.

After a confrontation, Agent May wakes up to find herself trussed hand and foot to a chair.

The baddie taunts her while she's tied, threatening to torture the information he needs out of her, but May is unmoved.

When the bad guy is distracted, May uses this moment to quickly untie herself from the chair.

There are some good shots of her feet, just before she unties herself. All in all a great scene. You can thank Gagster for this. Find the clip at Gagster's sendspace account right here.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

You might want to watch Agents Of Shield tonight

The latest episode of Agents of Shield (which airs tonight, Oct 14 on the ABC network) has a nice scene for bondage fans--especially for us barefoot bondage fans:

Don't know if she's gagged or not (haven't seen it yet) but, judging from just this picture, it should be worth our while.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Deviant Art Page is updated for Halloween

I've updated my Deviant Art Page for the scary season. I've actually did this a few days ago, but thanks to the craziness that is my life lately, I haven't had time to blog about it until now. I'm working a new job which is keeping me very busy.

I've been experimenting with creating comic book-style pictures lately.

Here's the link to the DA page: here.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ryta The Jungle Girl #4 has a title

Just finished the fourth Ryta Book today. Now I get to work on the title, as well as converting the manuscript to the Kindle format.

The title is official: Ryta The Jungle Girl and the Terror Of Storm-Haven.

Ryta must deal with new villains in a new setting that's way outside of her comfort zone. I hope to have this ready by next week at the latest.

If you never read any of the previous Ryta books, you can find them by hitting the link to the third Ryta Book to your right. -->

I'll keep you updated when Terror of Storm-Haven is published.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bound Barefoot Babe on Boat

This is one of my favorite barefoot bondage scenes from the last few years. It's from a direct to video movie called Into The Blue 2: The Reef, and stars (co-stars, actually) Mircea Monroe as Kimi. Kimi and her friends are deep water treasure hunters who get captured by the bad guys.

The bad guys turn out to be terrorists who are after nuclear weapons, or some such nonsense. The film itself is pretty bad. The only saving grace is that the female cast spend the better part of its running time going barefoot and scantily clad. And Monroe goes one step further by getting herself tied up and gagged, all while barefoot.

After spending the night aboard a boat sleeping while tied up, Monroe and her male captives try and work out some kind of a plan to call for help. There's a lot of nice shots (even close ups) of Monroe gagged with what looks like thick black tape. And there's also a very nice view of her bound bare feet the whole time.

Personally, scenes with a guy tied with a woman never bothered me (I'm usually looking at the woman, anyway). I know some of you may be turned off by the sight of her sharing the scene with two guys, and that's cool. I had to share this one because it's one of the better barefoot bondage scenes.

I didn't clip this one. I believe Sam did it.

Edit: Dailymotion rejected this, so I uploaded the file to my sendspace account right here.

Friday, September 26, 2014

One Wild Party

Elke Sommer plays a woman at a really wild party held on board a yatch.

She's tied up hand and foot and is auctioned off. It's not for real, just meant to be a joke.

I'll say this for her hosts, they have quite a sense of humor.

Afterward, the party goes to hell (literally!) as the boat catches fire with Elke still helplessly tied up. Don't worry, she's rescued. The movie is called Sweet Ecstasy and it's from 1962. You can find this clip right here.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ryta The Jungle Girl #4 is almost done

Well, I'm now in the final stages of editing and making changes to the third draft, and the fourth Ryta the Jungle Girl book looks just about ready. I can now say for sure that this book will be out in either mid to late October, which is next month (and October is actually less than a week away, now).

 I'll have another update for you here later, but since we've been talking about Ryta the Jungle Girl, let me leave you now with one of my Poser pictures of her that's exclusive to this blog only:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sea Devils Tie Up Barefoot Women

When Togolane posted his clip of Sea Devils on Brian's Page recently, I just had to get this for myself. Yvonne De Carlo stars as Droucette, a young woman who gets abducted from her bed by none other than Rock Hudson, here playing a pirate. Hudson binds and gags her right while she's still between the sheets.
Rock carries her, trussed up in her own bedsheets, out to his waiting boat on the shoreline.
She forced into a new life where she meets up with and marries...Herman Munster. Yes, this is the same Yvonne De Carlo who played Lily Munster on the classic TV series from the 1960s, The Munsters. She had a lengthy film career prior to this show. Although her feet aren't tied in this clip, she still goes barefoot throughout.
You can find it on my Dailymotion Page right here.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Deviant Art Page is updated

Once more I have uploaded new Poser pictures to my Deviant Art Page. Here's the link to the DA page: here.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Eyes Of Crystal

Desislava Tenekedjieva stars in this Italian thriller as a woman who's captured by a serial killer.
He ties her to a cot in a creepy cellar, where he's busy "creating the perfect woman" so to speak.
She's rescued, but it's a real nail-biting scene.
Sadly, Eyes of Crystal, the entire movie, isn't available in the States. I was about to upload this to my Dailymotion page, until I saw that, in addition to being barefoot, Miss Tenekedjieva also has some brief nudity here. So, let's just avoid Dailymotion all together and just put this file right here instead.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

House of Gone

Dailymotion has removed my House of Bad clip. That's really bad. So here's where you can find it: Sendspace

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

House Of Bad

In the House Of Bad, we have some women behaving badly. One of whom is tied down to a bed.
She's really tied down for her own good. Seriously.
No matter how wonderful--uh, I mean, terrible this looks, it's really for her own good.
Unfortunately, everybody winds up getting tied up by a bad guy who breaks in.
And the woman who has been tied for her own good (this time to a chair and gagged, too) manages to escape to help fight the bad guy--even with her feet still tied.
Very nice. You can see this video (which I did not clip) right here.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

My Deviant Art page is updated once again

I updated my DA page for August. To celebrate, here's a special picture that's exclusive to this blog only:
Here's the link to the DA page: here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bound Barefoot Bikini Babe

Once again, from the show Riptide, comes this very nice scene showing a lovely Aussie lass being held hostage in a beach shack. Her wrists are tied together on her knees, and she's gagged.
Although her ankles aren't tied, it's more than enough for me to add to my Dailymotion page.
You can see the video right here.