
Sunday, October 26, 2014

One nerve-wracking commercial

I first saw this over on youtube. It's a two minute long commercial the involves a woman waking up to find herself having been kidnapped.

She discovers that she's tied to a stool in a run-down place, with her kidnapper taking a nap just a few feet away from her.

She manages to work her bare feet free of the ropes, then gets to work in trying to move the stool she's tied to over to a rusted nail.

What follows is a truly nerve-wracking moment where she tries to work her tied wrists free while watching an empty bottle rattle precariously on the very edge of the table.

This is a well-done, suspense-filled clip that ends way too soon. Would you believe that it's a commercial? I wanted to see what happens next.

You can find this clip right here.

1 comment:

  1. I remember this and I loved it. Definitely not cricket. ;-)


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