
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Captain Planet and the barefoot scuba girl bondage

Captain Planet was one of these super green shows that tried to teach children the value of protecting the enviornment--not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. I like breathing clean air about as much as the next guy. But I always avoided it like the plague when it originally aired, because the series always struck me as being very goofy. But there's this episode, The Coral Killer, from the second season. One of Cap's little helpers decides to investigate some evil polluters under the sea, when she gets captured and tied to a chair. She's barefoot, and still clad in her scuba outfit. She's completely helpless, until she notices something. The bad guys have a collection of coral that they stole from beneath the sea (the evil bastards!). She scoots her chair (good thing it has wheels!) over to the coral, where she proceeds to use the jagged edges to cut her bonds. Smart girl. A nice little scene. It can be found here.

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