
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Visitor

Delia, the heroine of my latest Poser picture, finds out the hard way that she hasn't really been left alone in a creepy old dungeon. You can find out who--or what--is with her right here.

Note: The picture I used here is from My Friend Tony.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Katie Lowes

When I came across this clip, I saw the name Katie Lowes and misread it as 'Katie Holmes.' I briefly thought I'd stumbled on an unknown bondage scene from Batman Begins.

But Katie Lowes wound up doing one of the best bondage scenes on TV, back when she guest starred on Scandal. The episode is from the third season, and is called YOLO.

She's bound and gagged while completely nude, and her nudity is artfully hidden by how her arms are tied, and with the bad guy standing over her. He switches her tape gag out for a dental brace.

And, as scary as this may look, the scene is actually being played with a strong comic tone. She survives. You can see this right here.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Logan's Run

Logan's Run was a pretty cool science fiction film that was released back in 1976. When I first saw it as a boy in the theater, I instantly loved it.

It dealt with survivors of an apocalypse who resided in comfort within this massive domed city.

Jenny Agutter co-stars as Jessica, who, feeling a bit depressed one night, puts herself on the city's version of a dating app.

Logan (Michael York), liking what he sees, basically swipes right, and Jenny appears in his apartment, barefoot and clad in a skimpy outfit.

It's a very nice BF scene, making me wish that Jenny was dressed like this throughout the movie--but at least she's clad like this here.

She goes barefoot at the end, as well. You know, if the citizens of this society could just casually "beam" themselves around like this, then they could use the same tech to produce food, like they do on Star Trek.

Here's a still from a deleted moment from this scene, with Logan and Jessica playing chess.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was released fourteen years ago and was expected to be a huge hit. Instead it was a huge bomb.

It starred Gemma Arterton, who managed to have a few nice scenes here and there.

After getting her bare feet painted, Arterton is tied to a mule as she's being brought into a city by Jake Gyllenhaal, aka POP (Prince of Persia).

It's a nice scene that lasts for a bit, as Arterton squabbles with him while on her forced donkey ride.

If only Jake thought about gagging her....

Ah, but somebody else has brought a gag, and uses it on Gemma.

This is a pretty nice on-screen gagging scene.

But, later, the gag is gone when Gemma's seen tied with her hands in front (along with Jake). Like the movie overall, the bondage scenes in POP aren't much to write home about. I include them here to be complete.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Cat and the Canary

This year marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the release of the Cat and the Canary, a film that was a remake of an earlier movie.

Carol Lynley goes snooping while barefoot and clad in a slip. Although she's armed with a gun, it doesn't stop her from being captured.

She's bound to a chair, and we're treated to a wonderful shot of the camera panning up from her bound bare feet.

It winds up being a very nice BF bondage scene, as we keep panning up her lovely body.

All the way up to her gagged face.

And she gets rescued at the end. Bravo.

This publicity shot offers a full view of the captured Lynley.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Flying Dutchman

A short but sweet scene from the movie The Flying Dutchman. Eric Roberts once again plays the villain here, with Ellina McCormick as the star of the clip.

She's been captured by Roberts' character, who has tied her down nude to a table. The camera does a slow pan over her naked, writhing body, until it comes to her face, the lower half of which is covered by a large muzzle gag. Very nice!

I can't show too much detail here, because of her being nekkid, but you see everything on the clip, which can be seen here.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Blue Blood

Yesterday, when I posted about my latest Poser artwork, I used a picture from Blue Blood. Not the TV show; there's no 's' at the end of Blood. I got this wrong in my previous post.

Blue Blood is a short horror film about a young woman who finds herself in a dire situation.

There are two bondage scenes here, but my favorite is the second one, where she's tied up barefoot on a table.

The whole movie is very well done, with a very nice BF bondage scene, as well (spoiler: the damsel doesn't survive). You can see this below:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meeting the Slavers

What is it with these snoops? They're always getting themselves into trouble. Like the heroine of my latest Poser picture, whom you can see right here.

Note: The picture I used is from the movie Blue Bloods, not to be confused with the TV show.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Eaten Alive

In the movie Eaten Alive, Marilyn Burns re-teams with her Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper for another horror film, just like TCM.

But unlike TCM, Eaten Alive has Marilyn Burns tied to a bed for a large part of its running time.

Burns is clad in a nightie and is barefoot the whole time.

She's tied down to a bed in a half spread-eagle position, with her bare feet tied crossed over one another and then secured to the bed post.

The film's baddie, played by Neville Brand, is out hunting her little daughter with a crocodile (damn, fun dude, huh? Stay classy). But both the kid and Burns make it through this ordeal.

She knows full well that her daughter is in danger, so Burns struggles as mightily as she can against her bonds.

In doing so, she gives the bed a good workout. Eaten Alive lacks the sheer intensity of TCM, but it has this great barefoot bondage scene.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Girls Are For Loving

The movie Girls Are For Loving was the third and final film in the Ginger trilogy, about a special agent named Ginger McAllister, played by Cheri Caffaro.

It's probably the best of the three, containing the most BF bondage scenes in a movie up to that time (it was released in 1973).

Caffaro winds up getting bound and gagged, and usually naked--including a wonderful scene where she's left bound and gagged (and naked) while face down on a bed, writhing against her bonds. I can't show the vidcaps of it here due to the non-nudity clause. But I don't mind; they're a great host.

But the video clip, which contains a 'greatest hits' of all of the BF bondage scenes from the movie, does have the nudity completely exposed (so watch out where you download this, as it's NSFW, and elsewhere) and you can see it right here.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

DUNE Prophecy

They released a second trailer for the DUNE TV show that'll be on MAX this coming November, Dune Prophecy. This series takes place ten thousand years before the DUNE movies, showing the creation of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood.

It looks interesting, and there are even brief flashes of BF scenes. But I was already thinking of giving this a shot, even without the BF stuff. You can watch the trailer below:

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Best of the Past

Come with me, gentle reader, as I guide you back to the days of the ancient internet...and dial up. Ugh.

Maybe some things, like dial up, should remain in the past. But other things, like these pictures from that age, are certainly worth taking a second look at.

Secretaries certainly had it rough back then--especially barefoot secretaries.

And it really hard to get a good night's sleep back then.

And let a woman try taking a shower back then without finding herself in ropes!

Even closets weren't safe back then!

In other words, there were some good things back then, too.