
Friday, May 31, 2024

James Bond Land?

As Universal Studios is getting close to finishing up the latest addition to its theme park in Florida, I've been thinking about James Bond. The Bond film series, which has spanned over 60 years, has had its share of merchandise (and it felt like I've bought my fair share of it over the years).

I've wondered what it would be like to have a James Bond theme park. There would be plenty of thrilling rides, for sure. There's plenty of inspiration to draw from the stunts seen in the films.

Could there even be a section of the Bond theme park where visitors could see Bond Girls wandering around, just like the Disney Princesses in Disney World/Land?

And maybe, some of these Bond Girls could be...oh, let's say...tied up in scenes from the Bond movies, like Domino (Claudine Auger) as seen here from Thunderball?

Yeah...maybe not. As much as I'd like to see a live performance of this scene presented in a James Bond theme park, it's pretty likely that such a thing--both the theme park, or the re-created scene--will never happen.

At least we've got this wonderful BF bondage scene recorded on film, to be enjoyed whenever we want.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Felicity Jones

Felicity Jones appeared on the Kimmy Fallon Show to promote Rogue One (the absolute best of the Disney Star Wars films, IMO).

As a gag, Fallon has Felicity show off her combat skills. And she kicks off her shoes beforehand, going barefoot for the battle.

Cute little clip, with a barefoot Felicity winning the "battle." UPDATED NOTE: There was a glitch earlier that prevented the link from working. Sorry about that. But I fixed it and you can now see it here.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Impressive Taste!

In my latest Poser picture, a bound and gagged young woman finds herself being carefully inspected. Inspect the picture for yourself right here.

Note: the picture I used here is from 3 Days of a Blind Girl.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Informer

Ana de Armas stars in The Informer as a woman who's been captured by the mob, along with her daughter (Karma Meyer) to get back at her husband, who informed on them.

She's tightly tied with plastic ties, hand and foot, and gagged.

She also has her shoes removed and is barefoot.

This scene offers some GREAT barefoot bondage shots, as she tries to work her bound hands around her feet.

Ana de Armas is a beautiful woman who classes up the films that she appears in (No Time To Die, Knives Out, The Gray Man), and to see her in a great BF bondage scene like this is really the icing on the cake.

And you can see this scene right here.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

Remembering and honoring those who gave their lives for our freedom and safety.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Love My Tires

I found these very old 'caps in a very old file.

They're from a commercial for Bridgestone Tires.

I didn't make these vidcaps myself. I got them from a website called Divine Feet. This was back in the days when I was still using dial up. If you've never used the dial up version of the internet, consider yourself lucky.

I looked them up, and it appears the original Divine Feet is no longer online, although there are some newer accounts with the same name.

The camera pans around this barefoot woman as she consults her phone.

She must really be happy with her tires!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Jake Speed

One of two good things about Jake Speed, an action/comedy from the 1980s, was the fun performance of John Hurt, who played the villain with such relish that he was enjoyable to watch.

The other good thing from Jake Speed is this nice scene, from the climax of the film.

John Hurt's villain has these two beauties stashed away in his secret lair.

Barefoot, they're clad in just kimonos.

And they're both tied to these cots by their wrists--at least until one of them is taken away by one of the minions.

The remaining one is rescued by our heroes--which include Jake Speed, obviously. Nice little scene.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Apache Woman

Clara Hopf stars as an Apache Woman in a movie called (you guessed it) Apache Woman. She's been taken captive by a scavenger. Her troubles only get worse when the scavenger is stopped by a pair of outlaws, with one of them having unhealthy designs on the bound and gagged woman.

One of the outlaws cuts her feet loose for the purpose of assaulting her, but she manages to make her escape by riding off on a horse with her hands still bound behind her back.

Later, she's recaptured and tied to a tree. But she's rescued by a soldier. Miss Hopf is barefoot throughout this clip, you can see right here.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


X-Women was a paperback that collected four issues of female superhero comics from the X-Men: X-Women 1, X-23 1, Cloak & Dagger 1, Dazzler 1.

At one point, three of the X-Women get captured by cargo cultists on a tropical island. All three women are barefoot, with their arms bound behind their backs and gagged with sticks. Very nice scene. The print edition is sold out, but you can still get it on the Kindle right here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What's With the Cat?

In my latest Poser picture, Fiona actually agrees to getting left tied up while her story is checked, confident that it will pass the pass. But what's with the cat? Find out what's going on right here.

Note: the image I used here is from Endure.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Damsel Revisited

This past March, Netflix released a movie starring Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven from Stranger Things) called Damsel.

A fantasy, Damsel starred MBB as a young woman whose fairy tale marriage turns sour when she is offered up as a sacrificial lamb to a dragon that lives in a cave network under a mountain.

Sadly, despite the title, MMB doesn't get tied up at all. However, she does go barefoot for a large portion of the film's running time.

In her fight to survive and then battle the Dragon, MBB's clothes get shredded, with her shoes being the first casualties.

And while I love it for the sheer number of BF scenes that it has, Damsel is still also a very good movie, overall.

Think of it as being Diehard meets Dragonslayer. It was a made for Netflix, so it shouldn't be removed from that app (I think!)

Monday, May 20, 2024

It's Tub Time!

It's bath time! But it's not quite what you think.

This nice young Asian woman, who's fully dressed but barefoot, wakes up in a filled up bath tub.

And, as you can see, she's been securely tied up in the tub--which might be a disconcerting thing to wake up to.

Does she make it? I hope so. But you can see the scene for yourself right here.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Paradox 2021

Paradox 2021 is a short film that can be found on YouTube.

She's abducted from her bed at night and is brought to an abandoned house.

She's tied to a chair, hand and foot.

And she's bound barefoot, as well. This makes for a nice BF bondage scene in a straight up thriller, that's pretty well done. You can see it at the link below:

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Premature Burial

We lost Roger Corman recently. He was a giant in the independent film scane, having produced and or directed dozens of films. He also gave many other directors their first shot.

One of the films that Roger directed was The Premature Burial, a horror film that starred Ray Milland. Milland plays a rich nobleman in the 19th century who has a debilitating fear of being buried alive (which was a real problem at the time).

Milland's character has actually been buried alive, but was rescued by grave diggers.

Ray comes back for revenge against his wife, played by Hazel Court, whom he knows was involved in the plot.

Hazel is barefoot, and clad in a nightgown when she is captured.

Bound hand and foot, Hazel is placed in an opened grave, ready to be buried alive. This turns out to be a very nice BF bondage scene.

Thankfully Hazel is rescued before anything really bad can happen to her. RIP, Roger, and thanks for all the memories.