
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Not Part of the Resort

Two women vacationers at a resort decide to try something a little different by taking a long walk along the beach. But what they find may wind up shortening their vacation, along with their lives! To see my latest Poser picture, just click right here.

Note: the picture is from The Screaming Dead.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Scream A Little Dream

Scream A Little Dream is actually a preview clip of an upcoming, longer horror movie. And judging from this clip, this looks like something to watch out for.

Megan Magee stars as Jessica, a woman who was involved with a car crash that killed one of her friends. Ever since then, she's been hit with Nightmare Disorder.

That's what happens here, Jessica has been attacked by a dark-clad figure who knocks her out. When she awakens, she's bound hand and foot and gagged with tape.

And she goes barefoot throughout her ordeal, making this one a must-see for me.

This looks like the longer version will be a Scream-like slasher film, mixed with elements of Nightmare on Elm Street, but with BF damsels. You can see the preview clip below:

Short But Very Sweet

This scene is from a little known film called Troppo Rischio Per Un Uomo Solo, which was released in 1973, making it fifty years old this year.

In this scene, the hero tied up twins on a bed. It's a wonderful shot of two gorgeous, barefoot women who are hogtied. The bondage nicely displays the soles of their feet.

The catch with this scene (and there always has a be a frigging catch, right?) is that it's very, very short. Just ten seconds. Yep, you read that right: only ten seconds long.

Oh, but wotta scene! And the file is still big enough to offer good picture quality. You can get this right here.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Fridge Escape

Miranda Allen is a professional escape artist who has appeared on Pen & Teller's TV series, among other things. She has her own YouTube channel.

Here, she gets handcuffed to the fridge by her roommate, whom Miranda refers to as a supervillain.

And it's easy to see why heer roommate is a supervillain, because not only must Miranda escape from the cuffs, but she must do so while a popcorn popper is spitting out super hot bits of popcorn at her.

Miranda is barefoot throughout this skit--but as an added bonus, she even uses one bare foot to reach for a tool that she needs to make her escape.

It's a fun little short (less than five minutes) that makes for a great BF bondage scene. You can see it n YT below:

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Barbie Movie

The Barbie movie, starring the goddess Margo Robbie, is the latest attempt by Hollywood to turn a toy line into a movie, like Transformers, The Lego Movie, and Battleship.

And--what do you know?--there are barefoot scenes in the Barbie movie!

The movie plays on the fact that the Barbie doll is designed so that she always walks on tip-toe. But Barbie, played by Margot, realizes that she's now walking flat-footed! The horrors!

This is part of several things that Barbie finds is "off" with her happy little world, which forces her to go out and seek the answers with Ken.

There's a fun scene at the beach, where Barbie shows off her flat feet to her horrified friends.

I freely admit that I had no desire to see this movie until I saw this trailer, which you can see below:

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Memory Run

A while back, I posted a picture of Karen Duffy in Memory Run for one of my Deviant Art Poser picture posts (try saying those last three words real fast). Here are the rest of the pictures that I have from the film, as well as the clip

Karen plays a woman who's being held in a mental insitution. She's barefoot and clad only in a knee-lenght hospital gown throughout this scene.

When she attacks one of the doctors, Karen is then wrestled into submission by a pair of orderlies, who proceed to tie her up.

With her mouth gagged by a wide strip of white tape, Karen is bound to the chair, hand and foot, using medical bondage straps.

She's barefoot during her bondage, which is great. But I really love how expressive her eyes are over the gag. You can see this scene right here.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Courtesy of Mr. Gilmore

Miss Jennings, the snoop in my latest Poser picture, has been given a front row seat to the nasty proceedings that are about to happen--much against her will. Find out what happens right here.

Note: this picture is from the film Ghostmaker.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Hilary Duff

I found this clip of Hilary Duff on the Tube of U. Once again, the Tube of U provides a plentiful bounty. Thanks, Tube of U.

She's chilling, barefoot, on a bed, while looking at something interesting down the hall from her. Some very nice foot shots. You can see the clip below:

Monday, May 22, 2023

Running Up That Hill

While I knew the singer Kate Bush from way back, I've never heard of her song, Running Up That Hill, until pretty recently, when it was used in that fantastic episode of Stranger Things.

And so, when I finally saw the official video for Running Up That Hill, I was happy to see that Kate performs barefoot throughout the whole thing. Nice. Thanks to Stranger Things for introducing me to this song, which you can see/hear below:

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Masters of Horror Pt 4

This is technically the second half of the episode "Imprint" from the first season of Masters of Horror.

As I mentioned in the first part, the BF bondage in "Imprint" runs through the better part of the episode.

What I didn't mention in the first part--and had meant to--was that the actress who's contorted into all kinds of bondage here is Michie Ito.

Michie deserves all the praise she can get for being a real trooper in these scenes.

She really, really did a great job here.

I just hope that, after this episode was done, Michie got herself a nice, long massage.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Scorpion King 3

Krystal Vee (whose name sounds like an exotic drug that the cops found being distributed on the streets) stars in The Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption.

This extremely gorgeous woman stars as Princess Silda, who's been captured by the evil bad guy (played by Billy Zane, who also played the evil bad guy in Titanic).

She's left tied to a support pole in the bad guy's tent while barefoot and clad in a harem girl outfit.

Later in the film, the good guy--the HERO of the film--goes to untie this fair young maiden.

But he finds out the hard way that she's not that happy to see him.

A very nice BF bondage scene in a fun fantasy flick that was shot in Southeast Asia. You can see this clip right here.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Masters of Horror pt 3

Earlier in the month I did two posts about a pair of episodes from the horror anthology Masters of Horror. Well, I forgot that I had pics from a third episode!

The name of this episode is Imprint, and it's directed by Takashi Miike. It deals with a young sex worker who's framed for stealing a ring from the matron of the brothel she works in.

The result is that she's bound and gagged in the very strict fashion that can be seen in the Japanese bondage style.

The bondage scenes run for the duration of the episode's run time, and--fair warning--they are very intense.

In fact, Imprint didn't even air on Showtime, the channel that Masters of Horror was originally produced for.

Although it aired with the rest of the first season in England, Imprint was only available in the USA through physical media (which was where I originally got these vidcaps).

No official explanation was given for this situation--but, as I've said, Imprint is VERY INTENSE.